The Homeschool App That Changed How I Keep Records

When I was contacted by Flexible Homeschool App to use and review their app I wasn't sure if it was going to be a great fit for us.  After all I am not one to plan out our homeschool year; I buy a few books for each student and try to remember to use most of them by the time we "finish" for the season.

However, with Ian officially in high school I have been wondering how to keep track of everything and put together a comprehensive transcript for him... enter the Flexible Homeschool App.  As soon as I began looking through their site I was sold!

It works on almost all devices; computers and laptops, cell phones, tablets, etc.

It's easy to use and easy to follow... and best of all it REALLY IS FLEXIBLE!!

This is how I plan our homeschooling year!  I buy a few books plan to do one or two pages either a week or a day  and we slowly work our way through the work.  If we skip a day we just pick up where we left off the next day.

This app allows me to do that!  I love that it is structured enough to keep us on task and yet flexible enough to work with our real life interruptions.

First off there were lots of helpful videos to walk me through how to use the app.  I entered each student, entered the names of their workbooks or resources we were using (like movies!) and decided how often we wanted to cover each subject.

For example on the day we do math (which is most days unless we have a field trip or conflicting appointment) we cover 2 pages.  Each day that we actually covered two pages in math we'd just mark it on the app and watch our progress bar grow.

I can quickly see what resources we have on hand and which ones I planned to buy or even borrow from our library with just a glance (as you can see we owned almost all of ours).

There is a very handy area that allows me to print up all sorts of reports too.  At a glance I can see how much work we've completed and what we have remaining.

The only problem I had was that we began using this app very late in our homeschooling year and I could not figure out how to get us all "caught up" for the full year without going week by week/ day by day for each student... but with each boy only having a few pages left in their math books I know we're good for this year.

I definitely plan to use this app for next year and can not wait to see our progress bars filling up each day!  

As soon as I purchased our books I was able to add a new school year and enter the work in for next year for all three boys!  If we end up getting bored this summer and work on a few subjects or pages here and there I can easily track that in just minutes and we'll be all set to pick up right where we left off when our year officially begins next fall. 

You can check out the app for yourself at and try it for one month for just $1.  

What are you waiting for?

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  1. Wow, this looks really helpful. I'm sort of entrenched in my "old faithful" method, so with only one more year of school to go, I"m not going to try something new, but if I were at a different point in my journey, I'd certainly consider using this!

    1. Yeah, with only one year to go I wouldn't change either.

  2. Oh my, this looks amazing! I love the way that you can set it all up and then work through it as you can, faster or slower! May be making a switch!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



  3. This sounds intriguing! High school definitely requires more record keeping! Thank you for linking up at the Embracing Home and Family Link Party!

    1. It sure does! I put off starting my son's transcript until this year (he's heading into 11th grade) and was so thankful I had my blog to help me remember what we had been using.


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