Friday Favorites: The Week We Planted Herbs

We had a really good week.  The boys are just flying through what little schoolwork they have left (in fact Evan will be finished completely tomorrow) and we've been getting out for hikes and walks almost every day.  We even had one day where temps were in the very low 80's and we managed to get out in the kayaks.  I love this quit time as schoolwork is winding down but summer is not yet here.

Ian headed off to work with his father on Friday and ended up spending most of the day working with his grandfather.  The younger boys and I met up with some friends for a homeschool hike.

They spent most of the rainy afternoon playing video games together.

I spent my afternoon filling up a box on Amazon Wardrobe; it's finally time for me to start looking for other (smaller!) clothes.

Saturday morning Ian, once again, headed off to work with his grandfather while the younger two boys and myself helped my husband with a bit of work.  We decided to head to lunch at Texas Roadhouse and all hit up the local Whole Foods Market for lots of fresh produce.

The younger two boys pooled their money together and bought themselves a new laptop to use strictly for gaming and spent the evening setting it up (with very little help from us!).  It's been almost a week and I have yet to deal with one single fight over it; they are doing so well sharing it and taking turns.

My husband and I went on a walk around the neighborhood and stopped in to visit with my mom and step father in their new trailer (which my husband had not seen yet).  It was a wonderful relaxing day and I kept thinking it was Sunday!

I had to clean the turtle tank and work on a few blog posts on Sunday.  I also found time to make a card and work on pulling out pictures for my next batch of scrapbook pages.  We ended our day with a good hour and a half walk around the neighborhood.

Monday was so warm and sunny that the boys and I rushed through our morning work so we could enjoy a nice leisurely kayak ride around the lake.

After Alec's karate class on Tuesday we went to the roller rink to meet our friends then stopped for some ice cream on the way home.  I had a really tasty Weight Watchers lasagna waiting for us when we arrived home.

It was a beautiful day for hiking the chasm on Wednesday.  We packed some snacks and drink and hit up Market Basket on the way home for some more fruits to get us through the week (we eat a lot of fresh produce now).

We planted some herbs; parsley, chives, and basil and enjoyed time outside in the sunshine.

It was cold and cloudy on Thursday so we decided to hunker down at home.  The boys all worked on their schoolwork and we cleaned the whole downstairs. I worked on 10-- yes 10! scrapbook pages and even managed to finish watching Big Little Lies.  I liked the book so much better but I was compelled to watch the whole entire series in a week.

We unmolded our new tropical fruit frozen yogurt bars and we just had to try them out.  They were pretty tasty and zero WW points each!

How was your week?  What did you do that was fun or exciting?


  1. Wow, that's great that they are taking turns with the laptop and not fighting over it. Not so cure mine would be so good about it. Those popsicle you made look really good. We have a little popsicle maker that we used to use a lot and kind of forgot about. I should pull it out now that it's warming up. Have a great weekend.

    1. They are doing amazing with it! I did warn them that even though they bought it I could still take it away if fighting broke out but so far they are doing great.

  2. I'm most impressed with the boys pooling their money to buy a laptop - AND night fight over it! It's nice that you live in an area with such pretty places to hike!

    1. I was pretty impressed with that too! I thought for sure they'd be fighting within 24 hours.

  3. So great that your boys bought a laptop together! I love kayaking and your lake photos are beautiful! I enjoyed the Big Little Lies book more than the series as well, but I'll still watch the next season.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I would definitely watch season 2 too; it definitely sucked me in by the end.

  4. Looks like a great week :) Love the look of your frozen yogurt ice lollies. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

  5. The lake and forest look lovely! What a wonderful spot for outdoor activities.
    I'd love to see your turtle, I had one for 23 years and it was so hard to say goodbye. They aren't as loving as a dog can be, but you still gotta love them, they are so cute!

    1. They are really cute! Our turtle has gotten so big in such a short amount of time. We actually have two as my oldest son has one in room too (we tried putting two in one tank but when they began fighting we had to separate them and I was the lucky recipient of the second tank).

  6. Such beautiful scenery! You always find the best places to hike. Love your scrapbooking pages too!

    1. We really do! I am actually very disappointed when we go hiking and there's not much to look at. :)

  7. I just think the time on you get to spend on the lake is priceless. What a lovely week filled with yummy food and family time.
    Blessings, Dawn


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