Friday Favorites-- The Week the Boys Decided to Draw

We had another great homeschooling week.  We had some pretty nice weather (for the most part anyway) and enjoyed lots of time outside hiking.  We started cleaning off the patio and I can not wait until it is warm enough to sit down back near the lake and enjoy our evenings (and days!) outside.

Alec made some homemade waffles on Friday; I only ate one tiny bite and they were delicious!  He's like a hurricane or a tornado or some other destructive force when he's in the kitchen and literally every surface was tinged with flour by the time he was done but at least he's at an age where he willingly cleans up after himself.

We went out to eat Friday night with my husband's aunt and uncle.  We hadn't seen them in so long and we always have such a great time together.  We had a truly wonderful night!

Saturday morning our hike was canceled but I still walked on the treadmill for an hour-- after one full week on Weight Watchers I am down 3.4 lbs! And determined to see this through my 3 month commitment.

We ended up getting a bit lost on our hike on Monday afternoon and walked with our (very large!) group for over an hour and 15 minutes.  We saw a few signs of spring and heard lots of peep toads.

Alec has been drawing up a storm and Oh my goodness; did he surprise me with his skills! I'm not sure why as he's always been very artistic but I think it's just been so long since I've seen him applying them. He's having so much fun learning about blending with colored pencils too.

Ian got a 93% on his algebra test this week and I am just loving how effortlessly he seems to be moving through what I thought was going to be a very difficult year of math.  With just two chapters to go we can't wait to finish up the school year.

We had a beautiful sunny 60 degree day on Wednesday and the boys and I made it a point to get out and hike.  We found (and heard!) lots of peep toads and frogs and stopped to watch a few of them in the pond.  At first we thought we found a 6 legged frog and the boys were so upset to think that pollution caused mutations (as they have read can happen in our science books).  Upon closer inspection we found that one frog was floating on top of another one!

Alec had an orthodontic check up on Thursday and we were told he's just about ready to have them removed!!

Ian decided to do some drawing this week too; he drew a German U-boat.  He did such a fantastic job too.

Evan was thrilled to finish his Grammar book for the year working on 4 pages instead of 2 just so he could be done. and each time one of the boys finish we all know we're one step closer to wrapping up our school year.

These homemade cinnamon buns were making our mouths water as Alec put them together; all without any help from me!!  (worth every Weight Watchers point too!).

How was your week?


  1. You have great little artists! And the cinnamon rolls look delicious! Lots of good learning happening! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. They were amazing and the house just filled with the scent of cinnamon.

  2. You have some little artists on your hands! Those drawings are really great! And holy glaze on the cinnamon buns!!!! That is the right way to eat them for sure!

    1. It was a delicious cream cheese glaze that he made and oh boy were they yummy!

  3. Oh, those cinnamon buns! How could you possibly lose 3.4 pounds with your young chef in residence? Between the cinnamon rolls and the waffles, I think I would weigh a ton if I lived at your house! :) Congratulations to you on your weight loss and your son for his good test grade.

    1. It is proving tough; each week I think I'll just say no to whatever he's cooking up but they are always so tempting!

  4. Those drawings are amazing, and the waffles sound delicious! I admire your willpower. I would never have been able to have only one bite. Those cinnamon rolls look yummy too!

    1. I'd love to say I have wonderful will power but waffles, pancakes, really most breakfast foods don't hold much of an appeal to me. I don't like maple syrup so I always ate them plain with butter... thankfully he doesn't like them with chocolate chips because I might have had a problem then. I ended up eating two of the cinnamon rolls though as I just love cinnamon and sweets! Thankfully it didn't throw off my weight loss as I just adjusted my food choices to allow for those splurges.

  5. Man those Cinnamon Rolls look amazing! Wow! And those dragons! MK loves Wings of Fire, and if I am honest so do I!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



    1. I should try reading them; I never have but both my younger two boys love the series.

  6. Your boys are handsome -- and I see some real art talent there, too. Art is a wonderful thing for kids. There are no rules, really -- elephants can be pink! But it's a hobby that one can take with them through life -- and with limited supplies (or loads of supplies, as the case may be!). I hope they continue to love it as they grow.

    Thank you for coming over to see me at Marmelade Gypsy -- I really appreciated your visit!

  7. Looks like a great week, oh wow I could just eat one of those homemade cinnamon buns!! Great drawings.

    Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Have a great week and if you get chance I hope you can join us today for The Wordless Wednesday Link up :)


  8. What a great week. Dragons, frogs, and cinamon rolls - "oh my." Seriously though, you always inspire me to enjoy my time with my girls. :)


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