Friday Favorites-- We Got Close and Personal with a Hawk

Though it was a bit cold and rainy this week we still had lots of fun. We snuck in a few hikes and Alec did a new baking project.

The boys and I tried out a new hiking trail on Friday and just could not get over the views! We hike for just over and hour right before lunch and worked up quite an appetite.  Sadly, the bridge was out and so we had to turn around and walk back on the same trail.

On Saturday we helped my husband by working at his shop and when we arrived home we found this broad tailed hawk on our neighbor's lawn eating a duck.

We went on a family bike ride Sunday (minus Ian who was at work).  I could not believe how tired and sore I was after just 30 minutes of biking!   My husband also joined me in officially joining Weight Watchers (he had been quasi tracking foods and points alongside me within just a few short days of my joining but I finally convinced him to join and download his own app-- I love that we get to do this together but I do hate that he gets double my points!)

Evan finished another book for the school year on Monday and I just love that each of the boys is so close to finishing up this year's work!!  They've worked hard and each only have just two or three subjects left.  Now we'll start doubling up on work to get through it even faster.

I was pretty proud of myself for working out (inside) even with all the rain we had.  Typically unless we can get outside I'm not motivated to move much but I dragged myself through a 50 minute treadmill workout on Monday and a 30 minute Pilates workout on Tuesday.  I hate working out but I do feel so much better after I've made myself do that.

Seeing Evan curled up reading is always one of my favorite sights; he really struggle with learning to read and watching him enjoying reading is such a great feeling.

Ian took off for the morning on Tuesday to help his grandmother put together a new leaf gathering basket for her lawnmower.  It took them twice as long (or maybe even three times longer!) than the planned but they got it together.  I love knowing how willing my boys are to help out family and to work hard when necessary.

Alec dragged out his sudoku board this week and has been hard at work solving puzzles just about every single day.

Alec made homemade chocolate ganache donuts on Wednesday; they were so good and he did a great job making a totally new recipe all by himself.

Evan built a tall tower using our Keva blocks.

We went on a very long hike Wednesday; not entirely by choice... but we wanted to see the other side of the hike we started on Friday so we started at a different point and walked out to the missing bridge then tried a new trail on the way back out.  

Thursday we went on another long hike through Purgatory Chasm.  We went on two trails and enjoyed the beautiful blue skies!

How was your week?  


  1. This post makes me long to GET OUTSIDE! The snow is melting (again), and there's hope!

    1. It was chilly a few days this week and I dreaded bringing out that winter coat again but I guess I can't complain too much as we (thankfully!) do not have any more snow... yet.

  2. You've got quite the baker there! Looks yummy!

    1. I really do! He's so eager to jump right in and try anything too.

  3. Replies
    1. I could not believe that he wasn't flying away.. we got within just steps of him and while he kept a wary eye on us he was not going to let that catch go. He was there for almost an entire day and we began to worry the hawk was injured or something since he was not flying away no matter how many of us went to watch him. But he did fly off by night fall so I guess he just didn't want to pass up a good meal.

  4. you got some excellent photos of the hawk - so clear! Amazing that you could get that close. Those donuts look SO good, and now I'm hungry. ;-)

    1. It was pretty amazing to see one that up close in the wild! (A little gross as he started eating the duck but pretty amazing).

  5. Replies
    1. They were quite tasty; he has a real knack for baking.


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