Sentence a Day- February

I am so happy to see February behind us.  While we had a pretty fun month, I just love knowing that we're that much closer to warmer weather and bright sunny days.  We did manage to get out on quite a few field trips and hikes this past month though so I can't complain too much.

Here's some of the highlights of our month... one sentence at a time.

1.  The boys and I had a gameschooling day where we covered their school subjects by playing games!

2.  I booked everything for our family vacation and then sat down to finish my last Valentine's day card.

3.  My husband asked me out to lunch and we had to run some errands so I got all gussied up for him and we had a relaxing afternoon just the two of us.

4.  We got our new washing machine delivered and then headed out with our hiking group to enjoy the warm temps!

5.  After spending my morning cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the boys and I went out for a good long walk in the afternoon and we just loved that it was warm enough to just wear our sweatshirts.

6.  We met up with some friends of our at the Worcester History Museum and spent our morning exploring and learning all about the history of the region.

7.  Alec had his karate graduation and had to break two boards in front of everyone; one using his hand and one using his foot.

8.  We had a full morning of schoolwork before I ran errands (library, town hall, dropping off clothing donations, etc.)

9.  I brought the kids to a birthday party at a local hotel pool; swimming is lots of fun when it's freezing out!

10.  The younger boys and I went for a walk around the town to see all the ice sculptures for the fire and ice festival.

11.  With two boys feeling under the weather we elected to sit out our homeschooling hike and just concentrated on getting a bit of schoolwork done instead.

12. I sat and watched Alec's karate class and we just barely made it home before the snow started to fly.

13.  We got lots of schoolwork done after Alec's orthodontist appointment and Ian finished plowing.

14.  The boys and I spent Valentine's day taking a painting class together.

15.  We met up with some friends and explored a new museum: The Yale Peabody museum of natural History.

16.  Alec and I made some homemade cinnamon buns; just because.

17.  The whole family worked together to clean the house from top to bottom.

18.  We had a bit of snow and the boys built our first snowman (and possibly the last) of the season.

19.  We went to see The Lego Movie 2 after we were finished with our schoolwork.

20.  My mom stopped by with one of her friends to drop off a new garbage can she had bought for us over the weekend; it's motion sensor opens the lid so the garbage can stays clean even when your hands are full!

21.  The boys and I went with some friends of ours to check out the Natural History museum at Roger Williams Park and took in a planetarium show.

22.  I went grocery shopping nice and early in the morning so we could still get our schoolwork done and enjoy some time outside while the sun was shining.

23.  The younger two boys had another birthday party; this time at the bowling alley.

24.  I worked on a 1/2 dozen more scrapbook pages; here are 3 of my favorites.

25.  Our hike was cancelled due to high winds in the area so we all worked out using the treadmill and hand weights.

26.  Alec FINALLY won a sparring match at karate!

27.  The boys and I went for a hike in the afternoon before heading to check out a culinary arts program at a local school for Alec.

28.  We woke to snow and it was just beautiful when the sun finally made an appearance after lunch.

How was your month?


  1. Despite the cold weather, looks like your February was fun and eventful. We saw the Lego movie 2 as well and my kids loved it. I have my girls in martial arts too, they take Muay Thai. It was their father's idea that he wanted them to be able to protect themselves as they get older. I think it's a good idea. They're young now but self defense can always come in handy as they get older and get more independent of us.

    1. All three of my boys have taken martial arts at some point and I just love that as well as self defense they're learning so many other great skills too; focus, respect, etc.

  2. You guys have so much fun!
    I really need that cinnamon roll recipe too.

    1. We use the recipe from the Pioneer Woman and just halve (or even quarter) it. I love that her frosting glaze has both maple and coffee flavors in it. YUM! This batch didn't rise as well as our last batch but we have a hard time keeping it warm as our house is pretty cold.

  3. You had a great (and very educational!) month!

    1. Thank you! We really did... even if it did feel like it was dragging at times.

  4. Those ice sculptures are just beautiful! You had a really busy month!

  5. It is really fun to everything that happened in one month in a post! This is a great summary! I love the ice sculptures!

    1. I like this month at a glance look too. It helps me see that we really do lead a pretty balanced life.

  6. This is my first time linking up! Looks like your boys had a lot of fun activities this month! We also had an Ice Sculpture festival in my town too. I was SO happy to see February come to an end!

    1. Oh man, so was I! February always seems like such a long month to me.

  7. Those ice sculptures, so dang cool! And I totally read that as Plagiarism show, did a double take. haha. You are raising some good kids there. Good job mama! Thanks for linking up with us!

  8. Looks like you were busy and having fun.

    1. We try to keep pretty busy and fun is often my goal.

  9. Oh, my gosh. Those photos of the snow scenes are breathtaking. And that ice sculpture. I did a double-take. How in the world???

    I always marvel at the wonderful curriculum you have for your sons. They are learning and experiencing that learning first hand. My nephews are in a homeschool coop situation and seem to be thriving.

    Great scrapbooking! Going to Skype and scrap with my baby sister this afternoon. I love seeing what others scrap and have a Pinterest board just for inspiration.

    1. Thank you! I did hear that a few of the ice sculptures were made by pouring water in to molds that had been made (which took a slight bit of the magic out of them but still... even making those detailed molds must have been something). I managed to work on a few more scrapbooking pages yesterday too. I'm finding my boys need me a bit less and so I finally have some regular "me" time.

  10. You got so many different and fun things done. I love the photos of the snow, you got some great photos :)

    Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop :)


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