Friday Favorites: A Touch of Spring

We had such nice weather this week! I loved this little taste of spring and enjoyed getting out of the house for all these sunny warmish days.  I know it wont last but I sure will enjoy it while it's here. We had so much fun and I have lots of things on my favorites list today!

The boys and I played with snap circuits and games a couple of times for school.

states and capitals memory game

I made some homemade chicken noodle soup and it was a delicious way to warm up with the cold weather we were having.

I booked our family vacation-- we're heading to Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska; it will include a lot of driving but I am so excited to see so much in just one week!

We had a few beautiful sunrises and I am so thrilled to notice it staying lighter longer in the evening!!

My husband and I squeezed in an afternoon date over the weekend; going to lunch and running errands together.  I didn't want to go at first but surprised him by getting all dressed up.

We went hiking with a group of friends on Monday.  The weather was nice and warm and we ended up walking for 2 hours.

The day was even warmer and sunnier on Tuesday so the younger boys and I headed out for an hours walk just wearing sweatshirts! I LOVED not having to wear a winter coat.

Wednesday we met some friends of ours at a local history museum; the museum was offering a free tour and free admission for the month.  We had a great time exploring this cute little museum!

Alec graded up to the next level in karate and ended the week with a bit of board breaking.

How was your week?


  1. That homemade chicken noodle soup looks divine! Are you look so pretty in that blush. Yay for some warm sunshiny days, I sure do need some of that my way. Have a fabulous Friday!

    1. Thank you! We are soaking up all the nice weather while we can. I even sent my boys outside for an hour today because we didn't need winter coats... but we do have snow in the forecast for next week.

  2. Yay for booked vacatio and "dates" (even if it is errand running!) with your spouse. My son would love the circuit board type thing. I need to look into that for him. Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh yes, snap circuts are so fun and they make quite a few different varieties.

  3. That chicken noodle soup looks great. I think I might have to make some this weekend!

    1. I just love a good hearty soup in the winter and try to make a different kind each week.

  4. It sounds like it's been such a terrific week for you and your family! So happy for you that you enjoyed a touch of spring, and a delicious warm meal on a cold winter's day! Congrats to your son and moving up in karate! That's great! :) Hooray for a date night and vacation planning too! My heart is full for you!

    1. It really has been wonderful. It's those fun little moments in the week that we all live for and I love writing them up like this so I can see that they really do add up.

  5. The soup looks so warm and delicious. Great picture of you for date day! My kids used to love snap circuits! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh thank you; I am not a selfie person at all but am trying to get more comfortable taking photos just so my boys occasionally have a photo of me to look at.

  6. Jacob got some of those snap circuits for his birthday last year and HE LOVES THEM. He will sit and play with them for hours! They are so neat!

    1. They really are! We have two kits and my kids are just now trying to combine them and really to understand how they work.

  7. I was just talking with JP about the weather "teaser!" I love it and am so excited, because it reminds me that this season will not last forever. But it is no fun to go back to the cold weather! I love some warm chicken noodle soup, one of my favs.

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



  8. That homemade soup looks so yummy! I love how you incorporate games into your homeschool :)

    1. Thank you! We love to play games and while I don't always remember to incorporate them into our school day as often as I'd like it is a fun way to take a break from our bookwork.

  9. Love your week. We really enjoyed the warmer weather too.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It was so nice and I just kept wishing for one more day...

  10. We love Spot It!, too : ) It's a great game for two kids to play together when they don't have a common language, as sometimes happens when we travel. I like to keep it in my purse when we travel, for when such occasions arise : ) Snap circuits is also great fun!

    1. What a great idea to carry it around as a travel game!

  11. These games look fun. Beautiful photos of your walks :) Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Have a great valentine’s day and I hope you can join us tomorrow :) #Weekendbloghop


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