Friday Favorites-- Boston Science Museum Trip

We spent the majority of the week at home.  With freezing cold temperatures, ice, and a couple of mini snowstorms passing through we were content to tackle our schoolwork and enjoy the nice warm house.

We got and out and went hiking last Friday.  It was chilly but sunny enough to meet up with some friends of ours and go for an hour long hike in the woods.  It was icy and a bit wet or muddy at times but it was just so nice to get out of the house.

Ian taught Alec to play rummy and they have been battling it out while keeping score.  It's great to see these two getting along.

I worked on a few Valentine's day cards this weekend; I just love sitting down and creating with all those fun papers!

We spent a day at the Boston Museum of Science and saw a wonderful Panda movie too.

We ended our day trip with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory; their chocolate mousse cheesecake is definitely a favorite!

Our new treadmill!  It was not fun to get it where we wanted it to go in the house but we sure do love it now.  Just what we all needed to get some extra exercise in with the freezing cold temps we are having this week.

While I do not enjoy the snow much I do love how pretty it looks; especially with the sun sparkling off it.


  1. We LOVED the Boston science museum when we were there a few years ago. The snow is gorgeous!

    1. It is such a fun museum! I love that the snow only lasts a few days.

  2. Congrats on the treadmill!! I am so jealous! Looks like the museum was awesome...I love the antler photo! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks! I finally got to use it today and I love it.

  3. My oldest son would just love this museum! Museums were always his thing!! Good for you getting a treadmill. I do a stationary bike for my knee in preparation for my knee replacement surgery!! hanks so much for stopping by!!!

  4. That looks like a wonderful museum. I love to visit museums of all types. We didn't get any snow from the vortex. Well, it snowed hard but blew into the next county ~ no joke.
    BLessings, Dawn

    1. We didn't get much snow either; I'd say less than an inch but thankfully we didn't get much wind either or else we probably would have lost power.

  5. Looks like a great trip. I would love to visit the museum. I really want to visit a cheesecake factory but I need to find out if they do gluten free ones first as it would not be fair on my Daughter. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop hope you're having a lovely week.

    1. My understanding is that while the Cheesecake Factory has a gluten free menu they don't really stand behind it and promise that your food would be gluten free. :(


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