Friday Favorites: Happy New Year!

With another holiday in the middle of the week my boys and I didn't bother with much school work this week either.  So, once again, I'm brining you a Friday filled with my favorite moments from the week.  We have had pretty nice weather this week and we spent lots and lots of time out hiking!

Evan put together another new Lego set!  He was thrilled to get a Fantastic Beasts set.

Alec began working on his string art kit.

Evan put together a puzzle (with just a little bit of help from me).

We played 5 rounds of Star Wars Family Feud

We played Exploding Kittens (with the two new expansion packs that Evan got for Christmas), Beat the Parents, Trivia crack, Yahtzee, Tellestrations, and a few card games too.

Alec made an orange creamsicle cake for New Year's day and we had my mother in law, mom, and step-father over for a ham dinner to go with it.   It was one of the first cakes he really decorated all by himself.  We ended our night with a few rousing games of Star Wars Family Feud.

My husband and I finished the drawer fronts and doors for the basement cabinets-- they're really coming along!  Now we just need to do lots and lots of sanding.

We went on a walk on New Year's day because we had temperatures in the 50's!  That is just unheard of here in January.   The boys and I also went letterboxing on Wednesday and hiked for an hour then hiking again on Thursday for another 45 minutes or so!

We've had to much rain lately that the water table is high so we saw lots of little waterfalls everywhere

Alec (my kid who is literally allergic to the cold!) was warm enough to take his coat off

We could not get over this tree.. a vine had wrapped so tightly around the trunk that the trunk started growing in a large spiral

The younger boys kept stopping to play with the thin sheets of ice over all the puddles 

My husband and I had our first official date of 2019; nothing real glamorous but we took off one afternoon, got some subway sandwiches, and went to the woodworking shop to eat, talk, and then work on sanding the doors and drawer fronts nice and smooth.

While the boys not claim this was a favorite, I was happy to get back to school and to a somewhat normal routine again!

Evan loves doing schoolwork with our cat Hydrox to keep him company

How was your week?


  1. Looks so relaxing...with lots of QT together! Also I want to jump through the computer to eat that cake! ;) Have a great weekend

  2. What a great job he did on that cake! Looks scrumptious!

    Glad you got out and about before school started back. I had plans for a New Year's Day hike, but the weather did not cooperate.

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. He really did great! Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for your hike. On New Year's we stuck to walking around the neighborhood as it was really windy and we could hear branches snapping and trees falling in the woods. But it was so beautiful and sunny that I just could not bear to stay inside.

  3. What a lovely and peaceful week. I love the string art and we got imploding kittens for Christmas too.
    BLessings, Dawn

    1. Thanks! Have you played it yet; we found some of the cards to be so funny!


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