10 Random Facts About Me

Today I am linking up with Jen for 10 on the 10th and the topic is 10 random facts about me!  I just love fun little link up like this but always stress over what I should I include.

It's silly I know but I always second guess about what facts anyone would even care to know, or what facts my readers probably already know and therefor aren't worth sharing.

Then I had my ideas mostly mapped out and remembered I had written this post on 20 random facts about me and used up most of the ones I was going to use!!

I kept putting this post off until I decided I just needed to get it done!

1.  I don't drink wine, beer, or coffee; I just never acquired a taste for any of it.

2.  I broke my leg skiing when I was in the 4th grade and have been afraid to try it again ever since.

3.  I didn't learn to drive until a few years after all of my classmates.  I was afraid to drive.  My husband was the one who finally taught me to drive and was so patient with all my questions (though I did enroll in drivers ed. classes too).

4.  I love going on vacation but hate to travel; I am usually a wreck until we arrive at our destination for the week.

5.  I do not enjoy hot tubs but love a scalding hot shower.

6.  I am a klutz.  I have an uncanny ability to get hurt and often don't even know where 1/2 the bumps and bruises come from.

7.  My older sister used to be able to bribe me to do things for her by promising me a stick of butter; I loved butter as a child.  It makes me cringe now.  I can't even imagine eating butter by itself.

8.  I have been a demonstrator for Stampin Up!, Lia Sophia jewelry, and Do- Re- Mi and You, and probably one or two others...  None of which I did very well.

9. I have never had a massage (the idea of being semi naked and having some strangers hands on me does not sound at all relaxing) and have only been to a spa once; realized it is not at all for me!

10. When I was in grade school my grandmother talked me into taking accordion lessons... I don't think I lasted very long at is as it is a pretty cumbersome (and not very popular) instrument but I do remember playing it.

Want to link up with us?  Here is the graphic and the topics for the year!

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  1. I really enjoyed this post and had to laugh at a few of your answers because mine are the same!! I do not drink Alcoholic beverages but do drink coffee, I did not learn to drive until I was 20 years old and already married, I don't like to travel, I do tend to fall and stumble a lot, and I never have nor will I ever have a massage. The whole thing creeps me out!! LOL!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  2. We have a bunch in common including second guessing what to share in the first place! LOL! I hate traveling too, but I love going places, or vacationing, like you said! I've had a massage but I don't plan to ever again. I don't like people touching me!

    1. Yeah I was very uncomfortable in my robe at the spa and just even getting the facial (where they did massage my face and neck).

  3. Those random facts were so entertaining. I see that we are a little different in some ways... I love massages and I love to travel but the rest of those we two must be kin!

  4. These were great facts. I am the same way about traveling. It stresses me out. Until we get there and I know we are settled and all is well.

    1. I'm trying to hard to get better at stressing less but travel always unsettles me.

  5. Very interesting! I also do not drink and same issue with with skiing only I broke my thumb! HA! Great to learn more about you!

    1. Hmm.. I might not have minded the thumb if it got me out of schoolwork at the time! ;)

  6. I had to laugh thinking of the child eating butter!

    1. Yep, whole sticks of it... ugh! But boy oh boy did I love it then.

  7. I never liked the idea of a massage until I received a voucher for a free appointment. It was sooo relaxing, I actually fell asleep on the table

  8. What a fun post! OK, no coffee, wine or beer, but you didn't say no vodka! ;) Gotta admit, I love a massage! And I love the butter fact!

    1. Nope, no vodka either.. occasionally a very small splash of Kahlua or rum... but even that would be less than once a year.

  9. I loved reading more about you! The thought of eating straight butter makes me sick. LOL I had my first massage ever a few years ago and loved it. Now I want one as a gift every holiday. Thank you so much for linking up with me!

    1. I can not even imagine eating butter now.. I mean I use it in recipes but not plain. Ick!

  10. I like reading these kind of things about other people. I've never had a massage either. I'd like to get one but can't see myself shelling out the money. Hot tubs don't do anything for me either.

    1. I enjoy reading these little bits about other people too.


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