September Pinterest Challenge-- Mocha Zucchini Bread with Dark Chocolate Chips

Welcome to the September Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen!

I really wanted to try this Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread by Delightful E Made but found that I only had 1/4 cup of cocoa powder on hand.  Not to be deterred, I decided to substitute the other half of the cocoa powder with 1/4 cup of decaf instant coffee making Mocha Zucchini Bread.

I knew I loved the taste of chocolate and zucchini together from when I once made a chocolate zucchini cake but I really wasn't sure of the addition of coffee... It ended up being quite tasty!  

To make the bread I used:

1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup decaf instant coffee granules
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups shredded Zucchini
1 cup dark chocolate chips

In the stand mixer I combined the brown sugar, cocoa powder, and coffee grains together first making sure I could smell both chocolate and coffee.  

I then mixed in all the vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla.  In a small bowl I combined the flour, baking soda and salt and added it to my stand mixer.  Once everything was mixed I added in my shredded zucchini and gave it a few final stirs. 

I mixed in the cup of chocolate chips and poured it all into a greased loaf pan.  I baked my bread in a preheated 350 degree oven for 55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle came out clean or with dry crumbs attached. 

Once my bread had cooled I turned it onto a plate, sliced a piece off and enjoyed a very late lunch. 

While I did really enjoy this bread it wasn't my favorite.  

I think I used just a bit too much coffee.  I am not a coffee drinker and this did have a pretty strong coffee flavor.  I think I would have liked this better if I had only used 1/8 cup of coffee instead of the full 1/4 cup.  

But that said we did end up eating the whole loaf and I actually preferred it cold out of the fridge with the crunch of the chocolate chips.  

 To join next month's #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ October Pinterest Challenge.

Now let's see what other things Pinterest inspired! Head over and visit the other hosts to see what they crafted, cooked, built, or tried!

Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop
Erlene - My Pinterventures • Alexandra - Eye Love KnotsJoanne - Our Unschooling Journey • Laurie - My Husband Has Too Many HobbiesJenny - Cookies Coffee and Crafts • Kristie - TeadoodlesCherryl - Farm Girl Reformed • Beverly - Across the BoulevardDebra - Shoppe No. 5 • Gail - Purple Hues and MeEmily - Domestic Deadline • Lynne - My Family ThymeChelsea - Making Manzanita • Maureen - Red Cottage ChroniclesJulie - Sum of their Stories • T'onna - Sew Crafty CrochetMichelle - Our Crafty Mom • Lisa - BlogghettiMarie - The Inspiration Vault • Kelley - Simply Inspired MealsDebbee - Debbee's Buzz • Habiba - Craftify My Love • Marci - Stone Cottage AdventuresKenyatta - My Design Rules • Kelli - The Olympic Nest  Katrin - Kreativ KRoseann - This Autoimmune Life • Terri - Our Good LifeLeslie - Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever AfterLydia - Lydia's Flexitarian KitchenMarie Claire - Undemisieclederecettes
Shirley - Intelligent Domestications • April • Stampin Fool

Linking Up With:

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635

 photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg


  1. You had me at "double chocolate" ;-) But switching up a bit to include coffee sounds wonderful, too! This looks delicious! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. That's what got me too; I like anything "double chocolate!"

  2. Looks so scrumptious and I think I have everything to make this!! Yay!

  3. Now this I have to try. I love chocolate and coffee together. The addition of chocolate chips must make this really decadent.

  4. Being the mocha lover that I am, I am confident I would love the bread! Sounds and looks delicious.

  5. So, zucchini and dark chocolate means it's healthy, right? lol. I love this recipe and already putting it on the schedule to make this week. Pinning!

  6. Coffee & chocolate are two of my favorites! I can’t wait to try this.

  7. As a coffee lover I think I might prefer the stronger coffee flavor! Looks delicious - pinning!

    1. You just might! It did grown on me and we ended up eating the whole thing but I do think I'd cut back just a bit next time anyway. Thanks so much for the pin.

  8. I think I would enjoy the coffee flavor since I like coffee. The bread looks so moist and yummy. I will need to give it a try.

  9. This sounds sooooo yummy! I want to try it too!

    1. I'm always up for anything with chocolate or zucchini.

  10. I would have never thought to combine chocolate and zucchini! But, wow, it looks delicious and I have to try it!

    1. Oh yes, chocolate and zucchini is a great combination. I thought it might be a bit weird at first too but you really just don't taste or notice the zucchini.

  11. I'm not a coffee drinker, either, but I do love mocha so good call on adding it to the mix when you didn't have enough cocoa. I'm sure your next loaf will be more to your liking now that you know the amount of coffee you used this time was too strong.

    1. Yes, I think just a slight adjustment and it will be perfect.

  12. This looks soooooo yummy! You had me at chocolate chips!

  13. This looks super delicious! I wish I could get myself to actually try a recipe. Haven't been baking in a long time.

    1. I seem to always be cooking up something. Today we're making our annual apple pies and I may even attempt donuts... but we'll see...

  14. It's great that you found a way to improvise with what you had on hand. It looks delicious. Pinning.

    1. Yeah, I tend to end up improvising a lot when I'm baking and cooking. Thanks so much for the pin.

  15. Sounds like it still turned out even with the changes. Are you going to make it again? Maybe try it again with less coffee and it'll be the perfect mix of coffee & chocolate.

    1. Oh definitely! I would cut back a bit on the coffee but we did eat the whole loaf as is.

  16. Title and picture and I knew I was going to make this. So glad you added the suggestion at bottom of post. I don't have decaf so am hoping regular coffee will be ok. Can't wait to try it this weekend!

    1. I would think regular would be just fine! I only had decaf on hand because that's what my mother in law prefers and I had some left over from her birthday celebration.

  17. This must taste absolutely delicious!! And mocha makes it even better!!

  18. OMG, mocha must make these amazing, can't wait to try


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