Day in the Life

It's been so long since I've shared a day in the life post and with all the kids schoolwork being more indepdenent than ever our days have changed drastically.

No longer do we have much of a schedule and I find that I have more free time than ever.  I stay on hand in the kitchen for most of the morning in case anyone has questions or needs help but our afternoons are wide open.

I decided to try and really focus on the flow of our day; here is a (mostly) hourly account of our day last Thursday.

5:30-- I wake up and decide to grab my book and book light to read for a bit.

6:00-- I get up, make sure the boys' doors are shut and head downstairs.  I continue reading for a bit but also check my e-mails and do some blogging.

6:30-- I'm feeling unusually peppy today and head upstairs to get ready for the day when I hear a fight erupting between Ian and Evan.  Typically I'd just listen and wait for them to come to me if they need help but they are arguing in the hallway right outside Alec's room and he is still sleeping.  I try to intervene but nothing I say helps.  They are fighting over the timer for the x-box and finally in desperation for peace I just take the x- box away.  I walk away still fuming while Evan stomps away yelling-- so my interference really didn't help in any way..

7:00-- I heat up some leftover chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole from last night for breakfast and finish up on the computer.  I also squeeze in a bit of time using quick drying nail polish to paint my nails.

7:30-- I feed the turtle and realize that we are out of cat food and he will not stop meowing unless he gets fed so I hop in the car and go get cat food.

8:30-- I arrive home, feed the cat, and call the boys to table to eat breakfast, start schoolwork, and begin our day.

8:30-10:30-- the boys all eat, get dressed and ready and tackle any schoolwork they have.  Today they each have two pages in math, some reading and Evan has a spelling lesson.  We also found time to listen to A River Runs Wild as part of our history lesson.  They also each cleaned a room in the house.  I handed each boy a list of what to pack for vacation and they each packed up their suitcases.

10:30-11:30-- Evan and Ian took turns playing the x-box for 30 minutes each.  Alec and I were off in separate rooms of the house reading.  I just can not put my new book down! I'm reading Home Front by Kristen Hannah and I just love it!

11:45-- Evan began making his lunch; chicken nuggets in the toaster oven and that soon snowballed into everyone making and eating lunch.  Ian decided to make macaroni and cheese and Alec just heated up leftovers from last night's dinner.

1:00-- 2:30  Alec, Evan, and I headed out to the bookstore to buy Alec a few books for the long car ride and get Evan a new Nintendo Switch game to keep him occupied.  I told Alec he could have his books when we get in the car and not until then; he agreed that was wise or else he would have  begun reading it right away.

2:30-- 3:30 I folded laundry, read my book, packed my suitcase, and tried on a few new clothes that came in from Khols.  The boys played video games.

3:30-- 4:30 I worked on my blog and we all watched a huge thunderstorm roll in.  The skies got real dark and the thunder was so loud it was actually rattling the walls and various things in the house.  We had huge streaks of lightening flashing and I just hoped this meant our hot, muggy, weather might be leaving for slightly cooler temperatures.

5:00-- Ian asked me to play a quick round of Forza Horizon... (5 or 6?!?) with him before he left with his dad to get a hair cut and pick up some food at BJ's.

5:30-- Evan sat down to eat dinner and asked me to play a game of Exploding Kittens with him so I did.

Even with multiple defuse cards he still won!

6:00-7:00-- I sat at my computer and finally wrote down some details for our upcoming Niagara trip.  We knew mostly what we wanted to do but I hadn't written down times, dates, costs, etc and I love to have those at the ready when we're on our vacation.

8:00-- Ian and my husband arrived home from their haircuts with grinders and chips for the rest of the family.  It's a really late dinner (typically we eat at 5:30) and it's unusual for us to not all eat together but that happens sometimes.

By 9:00 I was in bed and after a busy week of cleaning and packing and running around I fell asleep by 9:30!

Linking Up With:

iHomeschool Network 10th Annual Back to Homeschool Blog Hop


  1. I loved getting glimpse into your day. A Friend of ours has 6 kids, the older 3 are grown but she homeschools her youngest 3 boys ages 8-15. Your day reminds me a lot like hers, lots of enrichment and joy in these days!

  2. Wonderful day! Thanks for sharing it. Have a great vacation.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Sounds like a productive day. Enjoy your vacation.

    1. Thank you! We arrived home safely last night and had a wonderful time exploring the whole Niagara falls region.

  4. I love day in the life blog posts! I Love that picture, do you guys live on the water? It's beautiful!!! It's awesome to have big kids, right? Haha loved seeing inside of your day!

  5. So jealous of your quiet morning routine! I am just not a morning person but would love the extra time to prepare for my day. Nice post.

    1. I am very much a morning person... but I can not seem to get motivated to work out with all that extra time in the morning like I used to. That would be a great way to start my day.


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