Sentence a Day-- June

This month I decided to try something new and kept a running tab of our lives writing just one sentence each day about something we did that I'd like to remember.

1.  Spent some quality time with an aunt and uncle visiting from California today who just could not get over how big the boys have gotten.

2.  Woken at the crack of dawn by Alec who was so excited for our trip to Hershey he was actually a whole 24 hours ahead of himself.

3.  We arrived in Pennsylvania and went to check out some very, very cool limestone caverns; love that we had a private tour and the caverns all to ourselves!

4.  Riding the rides at Hershey park and coming face to face with the animals at ZooAmerica; it's so fun now that all the boys are big enough to ride everything!

5.  We finished up riding the rides at Hershey park and went to check out the chocolate world where the boys and I designed our own chocolate bars.

6.  We managed to squeeze in a tour of the car museum before piling in the car for the looong ride home.

7.  Poor Evan woke with a rash from head to toe so we had to squeeze in a doctor visit between grocery shopping, washing all the clothes, and cleaning out the car.

8.  I took the boys to the movies to see Infinity Wars since Ian still had not managed to see it.

9.  I had the whole house to myself all morning since all three boys went to work with their father and grandfather; the silence was so wonderful!

10.  Spent the whole day keeping my husband company as he worked on the boat and the dirt bike while I read Nomadland and handed him tools.

11.  Furniture shopping with two boys in tow is quite interesting when they wanted to sit on and try out EVERYTHING!

12.  After Alec's karate class we went to a local swimming hole and spent the day with 11 other homeschooling families enjoying the lake, the sun, and the company.

13.  I got a new haircut!  Like my new bangs?

14.  We went to the beach with my mother and sisters and their families.

15.  We spent a drizzly morning hiking with friends and we all brought home some tadpoles to watch hatch!

16.  Cleaned out the filing cabinet and the boys went on the first boat/ tube ride of summer.

17.  We had an amazing time kayaking down the river and lower pond for Father's Day.

18.  We started back to school with a fun art project-- making spray painted t-shirts!

19.  Another perfect day by the lake and the boys were so excited to see Evan's new sting ray tube.

20.  Before heading outside to spent the afternoon in the lake the boys and I prepared our latest science experiment; color changing flowers.

21. The boys and I went strawberry picking and made up a list of all the things we'd like to make with the strawberries we picked.

22.  We met up with some friends to go hiking again and the weather was just beautiful.

23.  I spent the morning in my craft room putting together some cute outfits for my niece's birthday using my Cricut.

24.  Evan had a birthday party to go to for one of his friends so we spent the evening poolside with a truly wonderful family.

25.  The younger boys and I had a fantastic time at the zoo feeding the giraffes.

26.  Evan had a friend over to play for the afternoon and since his mom is also a friend of mine we got to sit and chat and catch up.

27.  My boys and I tried out a delicious new Chex mix and made some edible slime using Starburst candies.

28.  I had a Panera bread lunch date with my two younger boys after turning in their summer reading sheets at Barnes and Noble and picking out their free books.

I just love their strawberry chicken salad!  

29.  With just Alec for the day (Ian was at work and Evan went with friends to a water-park) I thought we'd have lots of fun but he just wanted to play two board games and hang out at home reading books and playing video games so that's what we did.

30.  After running scrap all morning long, Evan and I went to check on our tadpoles and we have a few baby frogs! (they still have small tails but those will disappear over the next few days)

How was your month?

Linking Up With:



by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg


  1. I love this idea. What an exciting month you all have had.
    Blessings Dawn

    1. Thank you! It has been a very busy and fun month.

  2. what a great idea. Sounds like youve had a great month #FamilyFunLinky.

    1. Thanks! I'd love to take credit for the idea but I stumbled upon it on another blog and thought it was a great idea.

  3. Kudos to you for doing the sentence-a-day post. I have tried to do one over the last few months, and always lose steam. Love the tadpole/frog pics. What a fun month!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't sure I'd remember to keep it up but I did :)

  4. I'm a few days late, but thinking of doing this for July. Thanks for the idea

  5. Looks like you had a fun, interesting and varied June.

  6. This is such a great idea. And wow! You packed so much into a month! Sounds like you had some truly magical days out.
    Thank you for joining the #FamilyFunLinky x

    1. Thanks! We do try to pack a lot of things into our days.


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