Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week The Boys Went Swimming Everyday

It's official!  Summer is here!  We've had sunny skies and pretty warm temperatures all week.  The boys ended up spending just about every afternoon in the lake swimming and playing and I spent most days reading a book or working on the blog while sitting out on the patio.

Ian headed off for a half day of work on Saturday while the younger two boys stayed close to home.  We watched our tadpoles eating some spinach and made a house for them outside.  I spent most of the day scouring through our filing cabinet looking for the boat registration and ended up cleaning out a good 3 bags of old papers.  The boys all went boating and tubing and Ian even worked on getting the jet ski ready to put in the water.

Ian got his second turtle just a month or so ago and we weren't sure they would get along..
Guess we didn't need to worry. 

The boys and I had planned on taking my husband down the river on Sunday for Father's day.  It was a beautiful day and though temps were supposed to be close to 90 we had a beautiful breeze.  We spent a good 2-3 hours kayaking, canoeing, fishing, and swimming (though I just kayaked and found a shady spot to sit while everyone else fished and swam).  We then went out to Wrights Chicken Farm and enjoyed a very yummy all you can eat family style chicken dinner.

Monday the boys began some summer school review work.  They have been driving me NUTS complaining about how bored they are so we all decided it was time to do SOMETHING.  They'll each work on two math pages (most days but not everyday), do some reading, and we hope to find lots of fun arts and science projects to do together.  We also worked together to clean the upstairs.  While we had some sunny skies, the younger boys and I decorated t-shirts using spray paint and then all the boys spent the afternoon swimming in the lake.

We had some cute visitors on our beach 

Alec had karate on Tuesday and the other two boys went to breakfast with their grandmother.  Once home we all ate lunch, cleaned a room in the house and then the boys spent the afternoon playing in the lake.  We blew up Evan's new ray tube and the kids had a great time playing with all the floats.  After a quick dinner of Subway sandwiches Ian and my husband headed back down the river in their canoe to go fishing while Evan and I walked up the road to get the mail.

Wednesday after grocery shopping, we got a fun science experiment set up.  While we have made color changing flowers, celery stalks, and more in the past, Evan was so young that he doesn't remember so I figured that would be a fun and easy science experiment to do again.  We had two other experiments planned but after cleaning the boys decided to head outside once again and go swimming so we put them on hold for another day.

I got the boys out of the house nice and early on Thursday and we went strawberry picking!  We also began listening to the latest Trials of Apollo book on Cd and worked on cleaning the basement and patio.  The boys spent the afternoon in the lake, once again!!  I just LOVE summer weeks like this!!

Weekly Weight Tracker:

Saturday-- I didn't weigh myself at all; I'm trying to get in the habit of only weighing myself once or twice a week but it's tough.

Sunday-- We went for a family canoe/kayak ride and spent hours paddling around and walking upriver against the current.

Monday-- I worked out for 30 minutes on the stability ball.

Tuesday-- I went walking for an hour while Alec was karate and then for another 30 minutes after dinner.  I know I have been eating horribly this week and this was my pathetic attempt to combat that.

Wednesday--  I didn't exercise at all!

Thursday-- I was overjoyed to see I lost just another .4 lbs this week. I thought for sure the scale was going to show a gain after all the junk food I've eaten and my complete lack of motivation to work out in any meaningful way this week. While I would have liked to loose more I'll take it!

Down 7.4 lbs total and I'm already noticing that my shorts and pants are looser!!

Linking Up With:

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Love the pic of your son "meditating"! Ommmmm. The T-shirts look great! I might try that with my grandkids this week. I took them to a ceramics painting studio and let them each pick out one thing to paint. We just picked them up yesterday, and they turned out great!

    1. I loved his mediation too! We went to a ceramics painting studio last year and we had a great time.

  2. I love all of your pictures. Fresh strawberries are always the best. I love doing that science experiment my students love it. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks! My only problem is I have so many fresh strawberries I'm not sure how we're going to eat them all before they go bad... not the worst problem to have I know.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful week. My dream is to live by a lake at some point. I would love to spend the summer in the lake everyday.

    1. I actually don't go IN the lake. LOL. I tend to freak out whenever something brushes up against me.

  4. The jet ski open while working on it looks like a spaceship! LOL The time spent in and around the water looks so refreshing and relaxing. :-) Thanks for linking up!

  5. You guys sure know how to Summer! I think I’m gonna turn into a Strawberry I’ve eaten so many, lol. But we got so much rain the last two days that our local season is over. Yay for the water life girlfriend and so proud of you for losing the lb’s!!

    1. Thanks! I think our strawberry season is about to come to an abrupt end with temps lowering into the 50's and 60's and tons of rain in the forecast.

  6. It sounds like y'all had a fun and busy week! Lots of lake play and cleaning projects. I keep telling myself I need to get some projects done around the house before the new homeschool year starts. Yet, the projects are still left undone. Lol. Thanks for sharing with us at #LiveLifeWell.

    1. It's so hard to balance it all; to be totally truthful we had to clean since we hadn't cleaned the house since before we went to Hershey which was a good 3 weeks ago.

  7. Sounds like a great week. Whoo, those strawberries look so yummy :) Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks. I hope you had a lovely weekend as well. The strawberries are delicious!

  8. Oh, you had such a lovely week. We school in the summer as well otherwise my lad gets bored. :) We like kayaking in our household too.

    1. We really did and while my boys do sigh a bit about the schoolwork we do so little that they are done in no time and I love that we gt to keep skills fresh as well.

  9. You're certainly selling the homeschool lifestyle with this post - it looks and sounds amazing! We've had beautiful weather this week too and I love being able to be out and about in it with the kids. #blogcrush

    1. Thanks! It certainly can be a really nice lifestyle... when they're getting along.

  10. What a fun week!!!

    Thank you for linking up @LiveLifeWell



    1. Thanks. I do try to make all our weeks as fun as possible.


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