Our Summer Bucket List

We seemed to skip right over spring this year in New England.  I kept waiting to make a spring and summer bucket list with the boys when the weather got nice.. then we woke up to summer weather one day and jumped right into hiking, kayaking, and beaching with friends.

When I realized we had to yet to make up a summer plan I sat down with the boys and asked them to help make up a list of what we'd like to do before school starts back up in the fall.  This is what they came up with and it sounds like a whole lot of fun to me.

1.  Go to Roger Williams Zoo

Taken on one of our previous trips there-- many years ago

2.  Make our own Oreo pudding pops

3. Play water balloon baseball

4.  Go to the beach

5.  Load up our bikes and try out a new bike trail

6.  Go hiking and check out some new trails

7.  Visit the Newport Car Museum

8.  Go boating, tubing, and jet skiing as often as we can

9.  Make our own ice cream using the new ice cream maker for the stand mixer

10.  Spray Paint Resist art: Evan had so much fun with this project that he asked if we could do it again this year.  Of course I said sure!

11. Make a color changing t-shirt (like this)

12. Try a new Chex mix recipe: the last time we tried we came up with an amazingly sweet snack that we all just LOVED.  I can't wait to see what we'll cook up this time.

13. Make a solar oven

14. Cook pizza on the grill

15. Watch the fireworks and play with sparklers

16.  Host lots of lakeside parties with friends and family

17. Try some fired alcohol art

18.  Go to an amusement park

Photo from our last trip to Canobie Lake Park 

19.  Make a campfire and roast s'mores

20.  Have a silly string fight: this is always a huge hit with the boys and we haven't one in a few years.

Finish this sentence.. It's just not summer until...


  1. Sounds like the PERFECT summer with all the right ingredients!

  2. What a fab bucket list. I would love to do most of these #fabftidaypost

  3. What a fun and delicious summer bucket list! Enjoy!!

    1. I was thrilled with some of the recipe ideas they suggested.

  4. Replies
    1. So far it sure is shaping up to be wonderful.

  5. What a fun summer list. I love the Roger Williams Zoo.
    It's not summer until we hit the local beach at least once.

    1. Yep, we just went to the beach this week and it was so nice to relax in the sun and explore the shore.

  6. So much fun! I hope you can fit it all in

  7. Sounds like a fun summer ahead! :) #fabfridaypost

  8. Looks like a full summer full of fun! I hope you all have a terrific summer!

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful summer too.

  9. What a great list! I may have to steal some of your ideas! Have a great summer!

  10. OMG! I'd love to go boating, tubing, and jet skiing myself - never mind the kids! lol! Sound like a great Summer to be had! Looking forward to reading all about it soon. xx

    1. I actually do not enjoy boating, tubing, and jet skiing anymore... ever since our youngest son was almost hit by a boat on our lake I find I am just a nervous wreck when we're out there now.

  11. I have a bucket list (it's huge) up on my blog!!! I love the idea of being so intentional about creating one and actually crossing things off.

    1. I'm not typically that great about being intentional with it but I am determined that we will get all 20 done this summer!

  12. It looks like you're in for a fantastic summer! Making lots of memories. #BlogCrush

  13. Looks a wonderful bucket list. Hope you get to do everything on it. #BlogCrush

  14. Looks like a great Summer bucket list. Have lots of fun together :) #Weekendbloghop

  15. It's just not summer until the popsicles come out! Love the Roger Williams Zoo - we went for the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular when we lived in Rhode Island - it was amazing to see the ultimate in carved pumpkins. Highly recommend it.

    1. Oh yes! Popsicles!! I just love those. Yes, they have amazing pumpkins!

  16. Wow you certainly will have a fun summer, I love how you have such a variety of different activities and that lake looks like the perfect summertime venue. Those colour resist pictures look fabulous, I'd love to try that with mine too. Thank you for linking up with #blogcrush.

    1. Thank you! We usually have a wide variety of activities to try and keep everyone happy.

  17. Water balloon baseball sounds like fun. Great summer bucket list! Sarah

    1. Thanks! I thought it might be a fun summer take on wiffle ball.

  18. They sure came up with a great list of fun things to do. Sounds like you're all going to have a really fun packed summer!

  19. So many fun adventures! Water balloon baseball sounds like a blast. :)

  20. Thanks! We do spent a lot of time outside now that the nice weather is here.

  21. We need to take a summer zoo trip too! Love your list and pinned that yummy looking snack mix!


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