Hershey's Chocolate World

We couldn't visit Hershey, Pennsylvania and not visit Hershey's Chocolate World!  We were quite excited to see such a huge store!  There were racks upon racks of clothing, mugs, candy, candles, and just about anything Hershey- like that you could ever imagine.

We had read about the chocolate world on-line before arriving and my younger two really wanted to try designing their own chocolate bars so that's what we did.

 There is a food court inside and we tried some of the milk shakes and sundaes they had available.  There were giant s'mores, fizzing chocolate drinks, and regular foods too.

Everything was quite themed out from the Hershey kiss hanging lights to the chocolate map on the check out wall.   It was a real feast for the eyes.  

 Look at all these delectable desserts!

We paid for our entry into the candy bar factory and then sat to wait for our turn.

We were given aprons and hairnets to wear.

Once inside the factory we got to choose what type of chocolate we wanted for the base of our candy-- white, milk, or dark.  We then had a screen with 6 different fillings to choose from and we could pick up to 3.

 Once we had our bar designed we entered it into the computer and watched our names appear on the building board.

We watched our bars come down the line and fill up one by one with the toppings we picked. It's all automated and it was pretty neat to watch.

One the three fillings are in place all the bars go through an enrober machine which coats them in melted milk chocolate.

They go into a cooling machine and we went to another bank of computers to design the packaging for our new candy bar.

We caught back up with our bars as they were exiting the cooling machine and being boxed up.

Our completed bars; they come with an outer sleeve that we designed that is also printed with our ingredients, the day it was made, who created it.  The outer sleeve holds a Hershey's metal tin and an inner box with the actual candy bar inside.

There is a free tour inside the building about how Hershey makes their chocolate and we went on that.  It's a fun moving ride and we all got a free mini chocolate bar at the end.

While the younger boys and myself were designing our bars my husband and older son were asked if they'd like to take part in a survey.  They were taken to a back room and given a few new candies to sample.  They cleansed their palettes between candies with some crackers and water and they had a rating scale that they rated each candy on.  It sounded like a neat opportunity and they were given a full sized chocolate bar as a thank you.

We had a great afternoon at Hershey's chocolate world and we did buy a few things... some clothing, a chocolate/ strawberry Kit Kat bar, a cheery cheesecake Hershey bar, and some other favorite candies.  It was pretty hard to resist all the rows and rows of yummy smelling treats.

More pictures of my newly designed bar:

What it looks like on the inside.  You can see the dark chocolate base and I chose butterscotch chips, chocolate chips, and toffee bits for my filling. 

What is your favorite Hershey treat??  I normally would say peanut butter cups but I really liked the strawberry Kit Kat!

You might like to click here and read about our trip to Hershey park too.

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  1. I love going to Hershey and never miss a trip to Chocolate World. Designing your own candy bars looked like so much fun!

    1. It was fun but I wasn't a fan of how mine actually tasted. My boys sure loved it though.

  2. Last year we passed through Hershey and stopped at Chocolate World. We love all the free things there!

  3. I love Hershey!!! I have never designed my own bar but after this, you can bet that is on my list for next time!

    1. I hope you like it! It was really neat to see how they do it.

  4. That's so cool! My kids would have a blast creating their own candybars (me too) and eating all those yummy goodies there.

    1. There were so many unusual candy flavors to try that I have never seen in any store anywhere.

  5. What a fabulous trip for a family! My kids would freak out at the ability to make their own candy bar. What a cool experience.

    1. It was a lot of fun; though I really did not like the taste of my candy at all. LOL. I guess I should have left that to the experts.

  6. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 1!


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