Our 7th Grade Curriculum

I shared a few weeks ago about what curriculum we'll be using for my oldest son's first year of high school in the fall and I figured it was time I share what Alec will be using for 7th grade.

It seems like each year as I'm pulling together our curriculum picks for the next year I have the hardest time settling on materials for my middle son. 

I thought that at some point on this journey it would get easier; especially now that he's older and able to pick out most of it himself, but that's just not the case.

Like me he keeps searching for the perfect materials only to be disappointed when he can't find them. We have, however, found some pretty good compromises for the upcoming year and I hope he is as excited as I am to dig into these new books.

Spelling/Grammar/ Writing/ Language Arts: We combined these subjects this year since Alec is an amazing speller.  He just needs to work on applying skills to his writing. He also knows most of the grammar rules but again just needs to apply it to his writing. We are going to be using WriteShop Junior Book F.  We've already started a few lessons in this book and so far Alec just loves it!  He will continue working the grammar book he started last year when or as needed.

Math: Alec made it part way through his school year before we had to find a new book for him to use.  We were planning to use the Key to Math series but it looked to basic for him once it came in.  We talked about it and I think we'll try and tackle some pre- algebra this year.  We plan to use three different books (only tackling two pages a day). 

Reading: I'd be lying if I said I planned his reading curriculum at all.  Alec is an avid reader and often has multiple chapter books going at once with random non- fiction picture books sprinkled throughout.  Mostly I'll just be trying to keep up with him in keeping tabs on all that he's reading and all the books he'll ask me to request through our library as the year goes on.

Geography: We'll continue picking points around the world (including the United States) to read and learn about as we are interested in them.  Since Alec has really become interested in baking I'd love to get a few books on desserts from around the world and try a few out with him.

History: We'll be covering various topics in both world and US history.  Typically we pick three different topics to focus on throughout the school year and read lots of books, go on a few field trips, and watch some movies about those time periods.  We'll continue doing the same this year.

Science:  All three of my boys will be using Building Blocks of Science grade 5.  We are covering this subject with some friends of ours and plan to get together once a week for our science labs.  We've never had a science curriculum (that we've actually followed) so this should keep us accountable and ensure that we have lots of fun with it.  We'll supplement the book with lots of fun hands- on games, experiments, and other readings I'm sure like we always do.

Art: Alec loves art in all it's forms and while we never follow a curriculum I do have some plans for next year.  I'd love to introduce drawing and shading with charcoal, some simple sewing projects making his own stuffed animals, and even inviting him to paint with me in my craft room using oil paints.


  1. Sounds like an interesting blend.

    1. Thanks! I think it's a pretty eclectic mix and it's the first time we've used "real" curriculum materials so I hope we stick with it.

  2. ...a lot of important work! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. I LOVE Real Science 4 Kids. We just got the Chemistry books and workbooks. My kids were jumping up and down in excitement over Science Textbooks in the mailbox! Those weird (awesome) homeschool kids.

    1. I love those weird (awesome) homeschool kids. It sure looks fantastic.


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