Moonlight and Cat Paintings

Alec and I followed along to this video found on Step by Step Painting and made some adorable cats sitting in the moonlight.

We were looking for a simple cat painting that we could tackle in an afternoon and we had some fun making our paintings our own.

We began by lightly drawing our moon and painting them white.  Then we worked from light to dark adding rings around our moons.

I picked shades of blue

Alec wanted purple

I went back through and added swirls of white to my sky

We set them aside to dry and went back in to add tree branches.  We then used tiny brushes to add leaf blossoms and even some flowers to our trees.

We set aside our paintings to dry one last time and then lightly sketched in our cats.  We both chose to have cats sitting on the branch instead of walking.  I also went back and added a few more branches, leaves, and flower buds. 

We just love them!

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  1. Such a beautiful painting! I wanna try it as well..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love these!! I'm sharing with my daughter too, so don't be surprised if something similar shows up on my Fridge in the future!

    1. We'd love to see your daughter's take on it too.

  4. Those came out great! I love painting like that, it is so much fun. Have a great week :)

  5. These are beautiful. Such a great idea. They did great :) Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up.

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