Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week the Boys Were Too Sick to Work

We had quite the whirlwind week!  We finished up our stay at Great Wolf Lodge and within 48 hours of being home one by one all the boys started getting sick... they all started with a cough... followed by a headache and some body aches, and then a fever.  It spread through the house like wildfire and by Wednesday afternoon I was just hoping that my husband and I would not end up sick at the same time!

Thursday, after posting last week's wrap up my boys and I headed down from out hotel room to check out more of Great Wolf Lode.  The boys tried out the ropes course and Alec tried out the new rock walls.  He was thrilled to have fastest time of the day on the speed wall.  We then changed back into our bathing suits and went on the water slides; they are a whole different experience at night!  Alec headed to his friend's room and they played Sushi Go until he returned for bed.  Evan and I hung out watching the Food Network.  My boys were just obsessed with this channel!

We were up early on Friday morning to a light dusting of snow!  We headed down to the arcade and played some games.  By 10:15 the water parks were getting quite crowded and they had to shut down the wave pool when a light inside the pool broke leaving some glass in the water.   I can not imagine what the place is like when it's sold out!  We stayed for another 20 minutes before heading home.  We stopped for a nice lunch at Outback and rented Hotel Transylvania 2 to watch while lying in my bed.  Alec decided to put together his new Lego set instead.  We all went to bed early; even Ian who had had a fun day of working with his grandfather.  They had to drive up to New Hampshire to pick up a piece of equipment with the trailer.

Saturday morning Ian headed off to work with his grandfather again while the two younger boys went to bring some scrap metal to the scrapyard with my husband and earn some spending money.  I had a nice quite morning all to myself!  The younger boys and my husband were home by lunch and after lunch we headed to my mother in law's house.  My husband was replacing a bunch of her outlets and we brought the younger boys along to visit.  We ended our night watching Tomb Raider and Ian finally came back home after going to out to dinner with his grandparents.

Sunday morning found Ian off to work bright and early again.  The younger two boys spent a quiet day at home playing video games and watching TV.  Evan started coming down with a cough and complained of a headache so he spent some time resting in the afternoon while Ian headed off to the woodworking shop to work on his new table.  Evan and I did play a few games of Sorry and Life but I gave him the night off from cooking duty since I didn't want him spreading his germs to the rest of us.

We ended up at the doctor's on Monday when Evan also started complaining of wheezing and a fever.

By Tuesday Alec too had a horrible cough and headache and fever.  All that coughing upset Alec's stomach and we knew that karate and schooling were out.  Both boys spent the day on the couch taking Motrin and Tylenol for fevers and to try and combat some of the sinus pain and congestion.  Poor Ian tried to hang out in his room all day in the hoped of avoiding their germs.  We watched 72 Cutest Animals on Netflix; a really cute and informative documentary series.  We also watched some snow accumulate outside too.

By Wednesday morning, Ian had joined the ranks and I had three boys lying on various couches and chairs asking for drinks, freeze pops, medicine and occasionally food.  Our counter began looking like a fully stocked pharmacy!

The boys all seemed to be feeling a bit better by Thursday morning but I reminded them to take it easy, rest, and still drink lots of fluids as I knew they were not yet back at 100%.   We enjoyed another day of TV watching and video game play.

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  1. Yes, we have a sick one too and one was sick at college last weekend, so hard to not be with them when they are sick. I feel a little something coming on but trying to ward off with EmergenC. Hope your guys are all better, we are up to our ears here with all the snow, but its so pretty! Have a great weekend!

    1. I keep feeling just a bit of achy sore muscles every now and then too and I just keep telling myself I am NOT getting sick! Hope everyone on your end is feeling better.

  2. Did you have the flu? It's kind of crazy how many people are getting it! I wonder if the Great Wolf Lodge here has the ropes course. My kids would love that!

    1. I definitely think it was the flu! They had offered to test Evan and I really wish I had let them just so that I would know but based on symptoms I'd have to say that's what they have. The ropes course is a lot of fun.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun--minus the sickness.

  4. Oh my goodness, your poor boys! I'm hoping they're on the mend. Congrats to Alec for having the best time - that's so cool. Looks like the rock wall and ropes course would be super fun! Take care my friend, prayers for all of you to get healthy and well!

    1. Thanks! They're all slowly turning to corner and my youngest woke up telling me he felt great today!!

  5. Sorry you all got the flu. IT is really going around like wildfire this year. Take it easy.
    Blessings, Dawn

  6. What a very fun week - but what a letdown to get home from such a fun vacation and get sick. :-( Hope you're all 100% again soon!

    1. Yeah. I had a bit of trepidation going wondering if we were going to be exposed to tons of germs and end up sick. The boys seemed to think it was worth it though so I can't complain too much.

  7. I was reading your post and seeing all those active pictures thinking...no one is sick here.. and then Monday happened. :) Glad you are all on the mend!

  8. ((hugs)) I hope that health is being restored. I've heard that so many people are getting sick this year.

    1. I think we might finally be past it; my husband went to work today and all the boys are back to full health. Now I'm cleaning like crazy and hoping I remain healthy.


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