My Friday Favorites: Showing Some Love

I'm doing something just a bit different this week!  Since my boys were still under the weather for a good portion of the week there wasn't a whole lot to say about our week.  We did get some schoolwork done each day but mostly we laid around all week watching TV & movies and playing video games again.

However there were some things I'd like to remember about this week and that's where my Friday Favorites comes in.  Here are some of the things that made me happy this week.

1.  Alec and I finally managed to try out the new game he got for his birthday called Ticket To Ride.  He was still feeling a bit icky on Sunday but we played anyway since he was just so sick of staring at a screen.  We had such a great time playing together and he beat me by 9 points!

2.  A few days this week when the sun was shining and the temperatures were in the 40's, I went for a walk all by myself in the afternoon.  I just took a quick 30 minute walk to the mailbox and back but I really enjoyed soaking in the warmish air and all that sunshine.  I listened to the flowing water and watched the sun sparkle off the freezing rocks and branches.

3.  Valentine's day!  Sure my husband was sick and was unable to get a gift for me or celebrate in any real way but I had a fun day with my boys.  They each got some little bags of chocolates and the two younger boys got some cute stuffed animals.  I always look for little ways to make our day special.

4.  Easter candy is out on the shelves.  It sounds weird to be thinking of Easter candy already but I can't deny that I was super excited to see Cadbury mini eggs out already (and in dark chocolate varieties too!).  I was also quite happy to find Lindt chocolate eggs.  I love Lindt chocolates and you know I had to buys a few just to try them.  They did not disappoint!

5.  I spent a whole day in the kitchen cooking.  It's not often that I want to bake and cook up a storm in the kitchen but this week I really wanted to; and I indulged myself.  I spent almost an entire day cooking up two quiches, a chicken/broccoli/rice casserole, a new chicken cordon blue casserole, a huge salad, a fruit salad, and some Texas toast French toast. The house smelled amazing and I have lots of meals in the freezer for night that I don't feel like cooking.  Plus I made an amazing no bake chocolate cheesecake (recipe on the blog tomorrow!)

6.  The days are lighter longer!  I know that our days lengthen a lot during the month of February but this week I really noticed how light it was already getting at 6 am and how the sun was just setting around 5:30.  I love all the extra daylight.

7.  We had a fun game day on Thursday!  In place of school the boys asked to work with some games. We played Harry Potter Scene it, Cranium, Scrambled States of America, and The Clumsy Thief

8.  We took an on-line marine biology class together at supercharged science.  We got a lot of ideas for other experiments to try at home and enjoyed learning a bit more about marine biology through this fun 90 minute class.

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  1. I too got excited when I saw the Cadbury eggs!!! Yay to a day in the kitchen getting all that yumminess made. II am sure your family love all your goodies so much! Have a GREAT weekend! xo

    1. I had a really hard time deciding which bag to buy first; the white, milk, or dark chocolates! :)

  2. Your chocolate cheesecake looks delish! Yummm!


    1. Thanks; it was pretty yummy and only lasted two days!

  3. Zachary is obsessed with Ticket To Ride! We have played it multiple times as a family and the boys play it together too, which makes me happy!

    1. I haven't gotten the other two to play yet but I think they're really going to like it and Alec and I both talked about how it would be way more challenging to play with more than two players.

  4. I need to look out for your chocolate cheesecake recipe, it looks amazing :) Looks like a fun week. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you. I must admit that the cheesecake was sooo good!

  5. I love the nature pictures. It was lovely to get outside this week. I hope you are getting enough rest tending to so many sick people. Hopefully, you are all on the mend.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Everyone seems to be doing much better; thank you.

  6. I LOVE the extra sunlight too! It does all of us good. :) ...Plus it's nice not having to lock our chickens up at 5:30. lol We already got some Easter candy the other day too, if it makes you feel any better. ;) My husband knows me too well and bought some Reese's eggs that are like the Cadbury eggs! #fabfridaypost

    1. I love Reese's! My only complaint with Easter candy coming out so early is that I'm going to be eating ever more of it.

  7. These are some great activities! You have such a wonderful way of mixing it up for your boys! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I sure do try to make sure we do a lot of different things.

  8. What a lovely post! It's lovely to know a little bit more about you and what you like. That chocolate cheesecake looks so delicious! Yumm! x

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost


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