Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week the Bald Eagle Landed on the Lake

We have had a pretty great week!  Even though we spent most of our time at home we did have some really nice weather a few days so we got outside plus staying home allowed us to get so much done.  We worked on a few art projects, some science experiments, the boys all did a lot of building, and we spent quite a bit of time outside.

We had a pretty fun day on Friday despite all the rain.  The boys and I made some nail polish marbled mugs and Ian put together his model crane.  Evan worked on putting his new Lego set together and Alec spent most of his day reading.  The boys did work on some math and Evan was thrilled to go through all of his 4's times tables in under a minute.  Evan also took a quick spelling test and we talked about the new word family book he'll be starting on Monday.  We finished cleaning the house and I let the boys get to their screen time a bit earlier since it was so dreary out.

We woke Saturday morning to still more rain and noticed that ALL the snow was gone!  Temperatures were in the 60's!  But we were warned it would get progressively colder as the day went on.  Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and as Alec was getting ready to leave to go shopping with his grandmother we noticed a bald eagle had landed on the lake!  We used the binoculars and my camera to watch him take flight and watched until he was out of sight.  After Alec left my husband decided to take Evan with him to the woodworking shop so they could work on the shelf for his room that he started last year around this time.  Everyone was back home by lunch and spent most of the afternoon watching TV and playing video games.   Evan thought he spotted otters playing in the water near the shore but upon getting close and watching them longer we realized that the muskrats were back.

We had a birthday party to go to on Sunday but first Ian and Evan left to go work with my husband.  Evan was putting a coat of urethane on his shelf and they all arrived home just in time to shower and head out.  We had a great time celebrating another birthday in the family and then on the way home we picked up one of Ian's friends to sleep over for the night.

We hadn't planned on taking Monday off from school but with Ian's friend sleeping over we did.  We had a very quiet day of watching TV and playing.  Alec did a bit of coloring in his room using his new mug to hold his favorite color markers.  Ian headed out to the movies to see the new Jumanji movie.

Using his new mug to hold all his markers.
Alec had karate on Tuesday and since we were supposed to get a snowstorm Tuesday into Wednesday I decided I'd better do groceries while I had the chance.  After karate and grocery shopping Alec and I went to Dunkin Donuts with my mother in law and by the time we got home it was already lunch time.  The boys had finished all their schoolwork before karate so we decided to do a quick science experiment on glaciers (they'll be a whole post dedicated to this experiment coming in a few weeks).

We woke to snow on Wednesday and the boys settled down to schoolwork fairy quickly.  We read our read aloud book together and then they each worked on grammar, math, and reading.  We started a unit on the Industrial Revolution and made some Fimo dough bookmarks.  We went for a nice long walk in the woods while it was still snowing and were thrilled to find that it was the perfect snow for making snowballs!  We warmed up with huge batch of french toast for lunch.  Ian has  been working on making a Lego model of a rotator (he's been watching a lot of Highway Thru Hell episodes on Netflix that inspired him to make his own).  Ian has also been working on making a metal model of a bulldozer.  Alec almost finished making a raccoon out of loom bands when two of the bands snapped and it fell apart.

Alec and I made some marbled cupcakes and a lemon cake on Thursday.  We have a few birthday parties coming up this weekend.  We woke to a beautiful sunset and spent a lazy day around the house watching TV and working on some fun projects.  Ian added some more details to his rotator vehicle.  Evan made a Lego boat complete with guns and a glass window.  Alec made two more loom band animal charms; a penguin and a black cat.  In the late afternoon we went on another walk in the woods and then Ian and I played a few games of cards and Mastermind.

We finally had a bird try out our new bird feeder! 

The penguin 

Linking Up With:

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Your boys sure do love building things! :) Love that picture of the little tufted titmouse. They are one of my faves. :)

    1. They really love to build and create. Two of my boys have been collaborating with Legos for over 2 hours now and I had to remind them to come and eat lunch.

  2. I think it's so cool how much your boys love to create! We have two little boys and recently got them some magnatiles, and they're in love. They build garages and churches, and they just have the best time. I love how hands-on it is :)

    1. Magnatiles are great! We love those. I find that just about any building materials are a huge hit around here.

  3. Your boys are just like younger versions of mine. I miss creating with all 3 at the same time. Those marbled mugs are so cool! Have a super great weekend!

  4. Wow! We've never seen a bald eagle in the wild...only in captivity because it was injured. You inspire me with all that you accomplish.

    1. We have started seeing bald eagles just in the last year or two and it's always a shock when we do. Thank you! That's so sweet to hear that I inspire you.

  5. I love your nature photos - full of animals we would never see (or be lucky to see) in the UK. Those marbled cups are brilliant. Do they wash well? I'm thinking they might be quite a nice Christmas gift :)

    1. Thanks! I love taking nature photos. The marbled cups are hand wash only as they are but I read on another blog that there is a version of Modge Podge that you can put over them that makes them top rack dishwasher safe.

  6. Oh such great adventures I love those mugs and what great wildlife you have - wow. #FabFridayPost

    1. Thanks! :) We're seeing so much wildlife lately it's really amazing.

  7. How exciting to see the eagle! Although I have on rare occasion seen one in the trees at a lake nearby, I have never seen one up close near home - only when we visited Alaska and Vancouver years ago! Glad you had a bird at your feeder - hopefully the word will spread, and more will come! Thanks for sharing at Best of the Weekend!

    1. We're just slowly starting to see them around here more and more but it's still rare enough that we are taken of guard when we do see one.


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