A New Year, A New Me

Joining with The Blended Blog again on this Monday for a fun Q & A post all about the New Year.

1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?  I'm a no resolutions kind of gal.  I enjoy evaluating my life and making changes but I don't just do them because it's a new year.  I'm always trying to improve myself.  

2. Love snow or No Snow?  I love the snow when it first falls and coats everything in white.  I occasionally like to build forts or go sledding with the kids but I hate the cold, the mess, and the dirty lingering snow... Honestly, I think I could do just fine without it and have started dropping huge hints that I wouldn't mind moving south.

3. Name a New Place you want to go this year?  We're hoping to get our passports and take the kids to Niagara Falls.  I've been once or twice in my life and really enjoyed it; I think they will too.

4. Would you rather have a new Hair cut or Hair color? A new hair cut; I like my color but I have not been loving the style. 

5. Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year?  Exercise every day (or at least most days).  I am so bad at keeping up with exercise but do feel so much healthier and better when I make it a point to exercise each day.

6. Least Favorite thing about January? That's easy-- the cold!  

7. Most Favorite thing about January?  The boys and I tend to stay home a lot more and relax around the house.  We get more schoolwork done and take a real break from outside classes and activities. That make my introverted self quite happy.  Plus we often get nice fires going in the fireplace and I just love that.

8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations? Usually the day after Christmas but definitely by Jan 2nd.   This year we took everything down on December 28th.  

9. Do you diet in January?  I'm always dieting; not just in January.  

10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most? Right now they're all pretty organized.  I'm an organizational fiend but I am thinking I'd like to go through all the kitchen cabinets and drawers again and get rid of those things we haven't used since last year.  I also really need to clean through our schooling and crafting cabinet to get rid of those materials we don't use anymore. 

11. Favorite Winter Comfort Food? Hm... I don't think I could pick just one.  I love soups and stews, casseroles, and food that can cook in the crock pot all day.  A few favorites include:  Roast Beef Pot Pie, Chicken pot Pie (with the flaky crust)chicken, broccoli and rice casserole, and pot roast. 

12. Favorite Guilty Pleasure?  Reading cheesy romance novels.  I just love reading and there's nothing like getting lost in an easy to read love story.  

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  1. Fun list! I think I might join in.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It is a lot of fun; they have these Q&A posts (usually the first Monday of every month but because of the holiday this one was bumped back a week).

  2. That roast beef pot pie looks positively delish! Enjoy your week and stay warm.

    1. Thanks! It really is one of my all time favorite recipes. We actually made it outside for a bit today so that's a start!

  3. Fun to read this post about YOU! Usually you write about what your kids are doing, so this was great!

    1. Aw, thank you. I do find it a bit harder to write about me.

  4. Those food pictures make me want some! I'm jealous of your organized house!

    1. LOL! Me too; I'm quite hungry and trying to prepare dinner now and wishing I had one of these comfort recipes on this rainy and cold night.

  5. I forgot about pot roast, I haven't had that in awhile. Love this type of link up!

    1. We just had pot roast at Christmas so it had been on my mind. I love these types of link ups too; they're so fun.

  6. Good job on exercising! I'm terrible at keeping up with exercise.

    1. I am just awful at it; but so far I'm keeping up with 4 exercising 4 times a week.


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