Weekly Wrap- Up: Our last Week of School for 2017

We played a lot of games this week!  We didn't have much planned for schoolwork since we really weren't sure how our week was going to be.  But we had a pretty quiet week at home and enjoyed some time outside, some crafts, and lots and lots of games.

My boys and I had a quiet day at home on Friday.  They each worked on some math and reading and then we were going to meet up with our homeschool group and learn how to make beeswax candles but our activity was postponed at the last minute and so we found ourselves at home for the day.  We made coffee filter snowflakes for the window, played a few rounds of Pitch and watched The Santa Clause.

Saturday Ian headed off to work quite early and spent the day using the loader to load all the pieces of the trailer he had dismantled into the dumpster. He was in heaven!  The younger two boys spent the day at home cleaning house, playing with their Lego sets, and enjoying some video games.

We had a family Christmas brunch on Sunday morning and before heading to their grandparent's house the boys helped stack wood and fix our wood stove.  Alec spent some time coloring too finishing up his parrot picture.  We had a great time at the party and after a very filling breakfast all the boys got to open their gifts.  Evan pulled his laser tag set out and immediately started playing.  Once home Alec began putting his new Lego set together and Ian headed out to the movies with my husband to see the new Star Wars.

We had friends coming over on Monday so in place of schoolwork the boys cleaned the downstairs and we made some food to share.  Our plans had been last minute but the boys were beyond thrilled to get to see their friend.  Our two families have gotten quite friendly these past few years but with their friend involved in different classes than we're involved with it's been so hard to line up our schedules to get together this school year. We had a wonderful time just hanging out and catching up with one another.

Alec headed off to karate on Tuesday and had a great time! He was picked to hold the bag for other students to punch and push him back and he was laughing so hard the whole time.  After karate we all settled down to eat lunch together and I read a few more chapters in our read aloud books.  Once lunch was done we made plastic from milk!  It was a beautiful day so I convinced all the boys to take a walk and Ian saw the new dumpster had been delivered so he decided to hop in the excavator and start loading it up with even more pieces of the dismantled trailer.  The younger boys played Legos for an hour or so and then once Ian was home we all played a game of Sorry!  Ian worked on finishing up his latest model car and started working on putting together a few model airplanes.

We planned to paint some penguins on Wednesday but I found that we had no canvases left so I had the boys work on their schoolwork while I took a quick trip to the store to buy some more.  They had their math and reading all done by the time I arrived back home!  We ate lunch, read aloud from our chapter books and started our paintings.  Once we were finished our paintings we took another little walk around and then came inside to play Disney Pictionary and Apples to Apples.

Our plastic milk after hardening overnight
One of the penguin paintings; the rest will be shown on Thursday's Virtual Refrigerator post. 

We wanted to keep our last day of school for 2017 easy and fun.  I pulled out a bunch of games and we just played games and read books on Thursday.  We finished up both our chapter books and went to the library to return all the books and movies we were done with and to pick up some new ones.  Alec rediscovered his Sudoku board game and played ALL day long... or most of the day anyway.  From around 10-2 he played game after game challenging himself and teaching his brothers the basics of how to play.  By late afternoon after we had played World History Memory, Sumoku, The States Game, and Yahtzee Ian headed outside to work with the excavator on cleaning up the trailer some more while Alec and Evan went to play chess in Alec's room.

Alec won at Ancient History memory 

Our line up of games we wanted to play-- though we never did play Fraction bingo.  

Evan won-- the very first time he's ever played Sumoku!  

Alec just LOVES his wooden Sudoku board. 


  1. What great games. Have a wonderful Christmas!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. They were lots of fun! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas as well.

  2. Wow that is crazy. I hate to admit we don't play enough games. We are going to be digging through our collection this weekend hoping to find some fun ones to play. Great photos, thanks for sharing.

    1. My boys LOVE games! We try to play often; especially in the winter since it's so dark so early.

  3. Love the penquin painting! Wishing you and yours a blessed and joyous Christmas pretty friend!

    1. They all came out so cute and with such personality! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas as well!! Enjoy having your boys home in that beautiful new home. :)

  4. Looks like a very fun week! Hope you're having a wonderful christmas break!

    1. Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful break as well.

  5. There are so many wonderful ideas here! I love how much your boys help around the house, teach one another how to play the games, and the art work they did was beautiful! Sounds like you really enjoyed the last week of school for 2017. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at the Live Life Well Link-Up. :)

    1. Thanks for hosting and inviting me to your party.

  6. Wow! What a fun week! That Sudoku board looks amazing!! Where did you find that?!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Jessica and I at Live Life Well!



    1. My father bought it for him last Christmas; we found it on Amazon.


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