Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Had No School

 We took a week off from our traditional schoolwork and just focused on filling up our days with some fun.

We have had some spectacular sunsets and some amazingly warm fall weather too.  Most days the temps are hovering in the mid to upper 80's!  I do miss the fall weather and my jeans and sweaters but I am enjoying the lengthy stay of summer.

We were heading to a corn maze on Friday with our homeschooling group.  I could not have picked a more perfect first day of fall activity if I had tried!  We quickly finished up a bit of math, grammar, and reading in the morning and worked together to clean a couple rooms in the house.

Alec and I tried our hand at making caramel to make some yummy homemade caramel frosting to top our apple cupcakes with.  Once the caramel was cooled we added powdered sugar to it to make a very yummy frosting.

Making caramel 

Mixing up the frosting 

We headed out to the corn maze and the sky started clouding over.. then began misting.  Not to be deterred we all headed into the maze anyway and spent the next two hours following clues and using the map to navigate the maze.  The kids received free t-shirts for completing all the paperwork/ clues throughout the whole maze and then settled down for some yummy ice cream.

Ian headed off to work first thing on Saturday morning and as soon as breakfast was over, Alec and I set to work frosting the cupcakes. He then headed off to a friend's birthday party.  In the evening we had all the boys grandparents over for a party and the apple spice/ caramel frosted cupcakes were a huge hit!  We spent a good portion of the day outside and Alec and Evan found a preying mantis in our yard; they spent quite a lot of time observing him.

Ian went fishing and to work on Sunday morning while Evan, his father and myself headed out into the woods to clear a few fallen branches from the trails we have.  Evan and his father then went to ride four wheelers for a bit while Alec and I went to work making the ganache for the chocolate cupcakes.  Once cooled, we whipped the ganache and frosted the cupcakes.  We headed to a roller skating rink for another party and enjoyed an afternoon of skating, eating, and socializing.

The boys and I spent a quiet day playing games on Monday.  We played Apples to Apples, Scattegories, and Disney Scene it.  We also went to the library, the apple orchard and tried to return cans to the deposit center (but found that they are not open on Mondays).  In the afternoon the boys and I went for a walk in the woods too; it was nice but so darn hot (over 90!)!

Alec had an orthodontic check- up on Tuesday at the same time as their normal karate class so the boys skipped class this week.  They went out for a late breakfast with their grandmother when Alec was done.  I pulled out all sorts of art kits and materials hoping to encourage the boys to get creative. Alec did sit down and finish up his bird painting.  All three boys begged to go to Target and buy a new Lego set with their own money and they all spent the afternoon hard at work in their rooms.

Ian offered to make pancakes for everyone on Wednesday so he spent his morning in the kitchen.  He hasn't made pancakes nearly as often as waffles and had few questions as he was working but they came out beautifully!  The boys spent quite a bit of time  The boys all played in their Legos and with each other ALL morning!  I was even hesitant to tell them it was lunch time.  They were getting along so great and building up a storm. In the late afternoon we decided to head out on a short bike ride; after pumping up all the tires on our bikes.  We found these interesting fuzzy orange mushrooms that looked so much like peaches in our yard.  We were even more intrigued when we discovered that the insides were white and quite quickly turned a blue/ green when exposed to the air!

The inside of the waterfall Minecraft set 

Thursday we had plans to meet up with a bunch of homeschoolers at a local park.  We were discussing the possibility of setting up a weekly meet up of sorts.  We had perfect weather for it; finally feeling like a hint of fall. Two hours of playing with friends and soaking up the fresh air was a wonderful way to end our week.  The boys and I went to return cans and bottle before the meet up and Alec was able to do the math of 250 cans at 5 cents a can in his head; I was pretty proud of that.

I just had to snap a picture of Evan wearing his new How to Train your Dragon Headphones! 


  1. Enjoy the sunshine. We finally get some fall like weather today. I can't wait for jeans and sweatshirt weather. I love the dragon headphones.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It's supposed to be fall like today. I broke out the leggings and long sleeved tunics!

  2. I am very impressed with the lego building. That's Amazing! Yay for no school - but it seem like the kids were itching to get back - they just can't help being creative all the time can they. It's so good to see homeschooling really works. Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost xx

    1. Yeah, they do seem to just gravitate towards teaching themselves now. :)


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