A Look Back at My School Pictures; The Good and The Bad

I loved this "assignment!"  When I saw the subject for this week's link up I just knew I had to visit my mom and look through all my old school pictures.

While we were unable to find ALL my old school pictures, my mom and I had a great time looking through several really large boxes of family pictures.  I even saw photos of my mom from 8th grade and her class photos!

I do know that I don't have any really horrible school photos; mostly because I was the type of kid who would hide them if I thought I looked awful in them.  In fact I distinctly remember my mom giving up on having my school pictures taken at some point in upper middle school and breaking down to take me to a photography studio each year.  I guess she figured even though it might be a bit more money at least she'd get to see the pictures and could hang them on the wall without me pitching a fit.

Here are the ones we were able to find:


Grade 2:

Grade 4:

Sometime in middle school:


Linking Up With: The Blended Blog


  1. I also rocked a vest in my fourth grade picture. Perhaps that's a rite of passage for fourth graders! Ha!!

    1. Must be! I did tell my mom I thought the funniest part about these pictures was all the lovely clothes styles!

  2. That tartan skirt! Also, glad the "assignment" could bring you over to your mom's for some visiting! Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thanks! We had a lot of fun going through all those boxes of pictures.


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