When No One WANTS to Focus on School

This summer it's not just my boys who are having a hard time with the thought of going back to school.   I too am having a real hard time with wrapping my head around the thought of getting any lessons done.

We planned to take the month of June off and just enjoy not having any planned activities or school work.

We planned to review math, reading, and spelling concepts for July and August.... and yet here we are at the beginning of August and my boys have each worked on maybe 4 pages each in their summer math books.  4!  We have not even opened our spelling books at all...

I haven't had the desire to do any reading aloud with the boys either!

I am trying not to let it stress me out or get to me too much.  Sure I hate the thought that we spent money on these review books but really the cost was pretty minimal.

I have to keep reminding myself that my boys did finish up all of their school work last year and that it's OK to take a break!

We have been learning and having fun together; we're just not using any school books.

I have to remind myself that even thought I can't point to completed workbook pages each day that doesn't mean what they are doing isn't educational or valid.

I have to remind myself that even though I am not reading aloud and we aren't listening to any books on CD in the car, the boys are still reading and enjoying stories on their own.

Learning is happening.

Taking a break when we all obviously needed one is important.  Meanwhile we're going to keep enjoying our summer and take time to stop and smell the roses... or sunflowers as the case may be.

We will get around to more traditional schooling eventually and if my boys need a bit more review in those first few weeks because we took the whole summer off then we'll have a few weeks of review time.

We turned to homeschooling so we could be masters of our own schedule and I am trying really hard to let go of the guilt and this feeling that I SHOULD be encouraging them to do more.

We used to homeschool year round with just a few short breaks in the summer but perhaps this year we'll be following a more traditional schooling schedule and that's OK too.  We can change how and when we school.

That's the beauty of homeschooling!


  1. Yes! Celebrate summer -- a time when learning opportunities are everywhere!

  2. I love that you can change course and have the learning The palm of your hands! So incredibly important to take breaks and you're right, learning is all around us whether we're on a break or not.

  3. Ah homeschool mom guilt... the struggle is all too real. And I'm right there with ya with our summer-- we usually do a loose year-round schedule, but things have just laxed over the past couple of months. Que sera! Thanks for the reminder to have perspective, and thanks for sharing at What to Read Wednesday!

  4. Thanks for joining the first ever Reader Tip Tuesday! I hope you join us at this week's party: http://www.jodiefitz.com/2017/08/08/reader-tip-tuesday-food-craft-party/
    Have a GREAT day...

  5. We planned to do a lot more traditional learning over the summer, too, and now it's August and our workbooks have gone untouched! There was much learning and much needed time to just be carefree and let the day take us where it would. Good reminder not to discount education just because it can't be measured by pages in a workbook.


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