Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Escaped

We had such a fun filled week!  We managed to get out twice as a family and have some fun; once to an escape room and once on a river kayaking trip.  We had a pretty sunny week and the boys and I spent lots of time relaxing by the lake with family and friends.  We even managed to get just a bit of schoolwork done too.

Friday I pretty much had the house to myself.  Ian had slept over his friend's house on Thursday night and after a quick archery session and some raking (where we found a salamander!) the younger two boys took off with family for the day.  Alec did work on stacking wood around dinner time and Ian, my husband and I started a game of Monopoly.

Ian headed off to work with his grandfather on Saturday and Alec worked on stacking wood for the morning.  In the afternoon, we headed to Escape Games and tried our hand at escaping from a locked room while searching for clues.  We had one hour and we could ask for 3 helping clues in finding the two silver keys and the hidden note.  The boys LOVED it! We had such a great time and they worked so well together.  They were so proud that we made it out with more than 5 minutes to spare too (we had such a hard time getting the combination lock to work even though we had the correct numbers!).  After our escape we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and came home to watch some movies.

Sunday morning Ian headed off fishing with his grandfather while Alec went to try and finish up his wood stacking job.   Alec has been playing with our Hangman board a lot lately and after playing a few rounds this morning the boys pulled out our sentence building tiles and challenged each other to make the longest, silliest sentence (over and over again!). The boys all helped clean up scrap lumber from around the yard and then we loaded up the trailer and went for a huge family kayak ride.

Alec had a couple of friends over for the day on Monday and tried to make homemade waffles for them... unfortunately he forgot to add the baking powder until the very end and the batter was lumpy and would not rise when cooked.  I offered to make up a new batch and we had some homemade waffles. After breakfast the boys played video games and then ran all around the yard using Evan's toy weapons.  They went swimming, found a toad and made him a whole habitat.  They had a wonderful day together and all played together so nicely.  After our company had left the boys went tubing and then Ian, my husband and myself finished up our game of Monopoly.  I finally won!

Making a home for Toby the toad and Manny the Praying Mantis 

Tuesday Alec headed out to stack wood while Ian and I went grocery shopping.  The boys helped carry in all the groceries and had a late breakfast while I put the food away.  We read a few chapters in Day of Doom.  All three boys went off to do a little reading.  Alec pulled out his painting kit and worked on a fairy painting while Ian decided to color in his Color Counts book.  After lunch we took a quick trip to the library and then all three boys went for jet ski rides and spent the afternoon swimming in the lake.  While I was making dinner Ian started watching 2012.  Ian headed out fishing after dinner while the younger two boys went swimming in the lake again.

On Wednesday my two sisters came over with their families and we spent a wonderful day outside in and on the lake.  The boys did wake early enough to get some schoolwork done; each reading a chapter or two in their books and working on two pages in their summer math books.  Ian finished up the movie 2012 and then we headed outside.  The older two boys brought out their new Color Counts books and some markers.  Throughout the day I often found them coloring.  Once my sisters left and storms started rolling through we all headed inside.  Ian and I watched The Day After Tomorrow and Alec headed out for a sleepover at his grandmothers.  We lost satellite reception with the storms and so Ian talked my husband and I into starting another game of Monopoly.

Once Alec arrived home Thursday morning the boys and I all headed out to do errands.  We were back home by lunchtime and the boys worked together to make lunches.  After lunch Evan headed out to play in the lake and then talked us into going out for ice cream.  Funny enough Evan ended up ordering french fries and Alec got some fried dough.  It was a tough afternoon for Alec; he tipped over in one of the plastic chairs, broke it, put a hole in his shirt and hit his head on a metal topped table.  While  eating his fried dough he also managed to bit his own finger! Luckily the fried dough was really yummy.  Poor kid was ready for some Motrin by the time we arrived home.  Ian and I finished up our game of Monopoly and Alec asked if we could start a new game with the three of us and we played until it was time to start dinner.  After dinner the two older boys went to get their hair cut and Evan and I enjoyed a quiet night at home.


  1. Wow! It does look like a week full of family fun :-) My family has been itching to get a chance at breaking out of an Escape Room. Continue enjoying these summer days!

    1. It was so much fun. We had gotten a gift certificate for Christmas but each time we thought of trying out the escape they were booked so I was thrilled when I finally saw an opening at a time that worked for us. My boys loved it.

  2. Wow - we just got back from walking in DC all day - and now I read this, made me more tired!! Hahaha - we had fun though, saw so much! Sounds like you had a great week. :)

    1. We really did and with three boys I'm so used to the constant motion that I barely even notice it anymore.


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