Weekly Wrap- Up; The Week With all the Lego Sets

We had a fun and fairly quiet week at home.  The boys all spent a lot of time in their own rooms playing with Lego sets and other quiet activities.  I don't think we've ever had so many things made out of Lego pieces in just one week before. We had decided to take a week off from our studies and I tried to leave the boys to their own devices as often as I could.  I think it's good for them to be in charge of how they fill their summer days.

We woke to even more rain on Friday.  Four days in a row and we were all climbing the walls.  The boys worked on some schoolwork and cleaned a room or two in the house.  The older two boys challenged each other to building with Keva blocks and I was told that Alec's tower did not last through Ian's trying to blow it over.  The boys all spent more time playing video games and watching TV and I decided that I just didn't care for the day.  Their grandmother came over in the afternoon and we spent a fun time playing Heads Up together.

Saturday Ian headed out to work early with his grandfather.  We took the younger boys to breakfast and my husband told them that one of our neighbors had hired someone to stack his woodpile for him.  The guy never showed up to do the job and the neighbor was offering to pay the boys the same salary if they'd like to do it instead... so Alec spend a good couple of hours stacking wood!  He made a small dent in the job but is determined to finish it.  After lunch I took the younger two boys to a friends party and they spend the afternoon playing with friends, eating cake and having a great time. We enjoyed a quiet night by the lake and enjoyed watching the swam swimming and flying around.

My husband and Ian took off fishing early in the morning on Sunday.  By the time they arrived home, Alec was already outside stacking a bit of wood before the heat of the day really hit.  He got another hour or so of work in.  We took the boys tubing around the lake and then asked them to help us move some lumber.  They were pretty uncooperative and fighting so much that they managed to get themselves into a lot of trouble.  We came home to eat lunch and had a long talk about working together, helping out family, and what it means to think of someone else.  We gave them another chance to work together and tried moving more lumber after lunch.  It was like we had three totally different kids with us! They were fantastic!  Ian and Evan earned their movie privilege back and after another quick tubing ride around the lake headed out to see the new Spiderman movie.  Alec and I went to Panera bread for dinner as a special treat for him (since he doesn't like superheroes).  Alec spent a good portion of his day locked in his room listening to a book on CD and building Loz Diamond block Pokemon characters.


Monday morning Evan was up bright and early and asked to play Exploding Kittens.  While Evan, Ian and I played a few games Alec had breakfast and headed outside for an hour to stack wood. As soon as he was done he wanted to head to his room and put together a few more Pokemon characters while listening to his book on CD but I persuaded the boys to get our grocery shopping done first.  We headed out, got all the groceries done and then Alec holed up in his room putting together four more characters.  While eating snack he managed to snag one of the wires from his braces and had a wire hanging out of his mouth so we called the orthodontist and they were able to squeeze us in.  The boys all asked to go to the library and Target before his appointment and they each brought their own money to buy some Lego sets.  Once home they spent the afternoon putting them all together.





The boys worked with Leos almost all day on Tuesday too. Ian modified the tiny camper trailer that came with his new set and made it a large camper trailer complete with bathroom, kitchen, couch, upper sleeping quarters, a grill and and even a coffee pot!  Evan and I cleaned his whole room and Alec listened to his book on CD while coloring in his room.  It was pretty quiet and all three boys got along great! Evan and I walked up to get the mail and then all three boys headed off for quick jet ski rides with their grandmother before a huge thunderstorm rolled through our area.  Evan left with his father to go get a haircut while the other two boys and myself played a quick game of Ooga Booga.

Wednesday we were having friends over!  As soon as the boys finished breakfast the older two boys went to stack some more wood and then we all worked together to clean all the bathrooms.  Once our chores were done the boys headed to their rooms.  Alec wanted to listen to more of his CD, play with his Legos for a bit and work in is coloring book some more.  Apparently he has spent quite a lot of coloring this week; he even brought it outside with him today!  Ian and Evan played Legos together until lunch and then headed outside to wait for our company to arrive.  They had such a fun time playing all afternoon.

Thursday the boys woke up early and finished watching Sing! together in Ian's room.  Alec went to stack some more wood and the other two boy settled down for breakfast.  Alec had finished up his book on CD this week and wanted to get the next book in the series for the weekend.  We all headed to the library to pick up movies too. The boys spent the day inside watching movies and videos and doing other quiet activities.  Our lake was being treated for invasive weed species and we watched the boat going around treating the lake.  It's unusual to see an air boat in our neck of the woods!


  1. What a marvelous week! I love all of the Lego creations.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. They were all so busy building away; it was great to see!

  2. great week you had! :) Looks like micro lego.. fun to play with that stuff.. but boy it's small! :) Love the swan pic.

    1. They are micro Lego; I have no idea how he does it as I feel like my eyes cross just looking at the pieces never mind trying to get them where they need to go! We were pretty excited to see the swan; that is a rare sight around here.


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