Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week It Felt Like Summer

We went from long sleeves, jeans, and temps in the 50's/60's last week to temperatures in the 90's this week.  We have been spending lots of time in the lake trying to keep cool. While it might have felt just a little too hot a few days this week I am definitely not complaining; it has been so nice to see the sun!

I am so happy that we have finally seen so many signs that summer surely is coming!

  • It's been hot
  • We've been able to swim!
  • We went strawberry picking
  • We ate lunch outside
  • We drove with the windows down and the radio blaring
  • We spent so much time outside
  • I was able to get lots of reading and relaxing time
  • Our drying rack is filled with bathing suits and towels

We had a fun and messy Friday!  We filled balloons with paint, set them on paper in the yard, and popped them; splattering paint everywhere.  Once the boys were all cleaned up Ian headed out with his great uncle for 2-3 hours and helped build an obstacle course using an excavator.  He was in his glory and had a great time.  The younger boys played outside for a bit using their bows and arrows, chasing each other around and playing on the swing set.  We came in for lunch and Alec got absorbed in his book reading almost the entire second book of The School of Good and Evil.

Saturday Ian headed off to work with his grandfather while the younger boys went to play outside.  I was busy helping my husband work in the attic; mostly I was fetching things for him.

The boys all worked hard on Sunday.  The younger two boys started painting picnic tables while Ian wen to work with his grandfather again.  Ian also went fishing and was so excited to catch a 30" fish (though he did not manage to get a picture).  The younger two boys spent some time swimming in the lake even though the water was pretty cold the air was finally nice and warm.  Evan and I went to work with my husband and helped spray paint a stand that our heat pump will be resting on.

Monday the younger boys and I made beaded sun catchers; though we're still waiting for them to dry!  Alec had a dentist appointment right in the middle of the day and as soon as were all done with lunch the boys headed outside to swim and cool off.  Once the sun went down Alec did a bit more painting working on trying to finish up at least one picnic table.

On Tuesday both boys went to karate and Ian and I used that time to run a whole bunch of errands.  The boys went to Dunkin Donuts with their grandmother after karate and we all had a nice visit.  Once we arrived home Ian needed help getting his turtle tank up and running.  Yep, we got a baby turtle!  Evan asked me to help him sew up a hole in one of his stuffed animals and Alec wanted to go swimming.  All three boys ended up spending the entire afternoon in the lake, though Alec and Ian did both take a break and work on making a garden mosaic stepping stone.

The younger two boys started painting picnic tables early in the morning on Wednesday before it got too hot out.  We also made father's day cards and got all the Father's day gifts wrapped and ready.  After lunch the boys wanted to go swimming and asked to swim across the lake; so I kayaked alongside them while they swam.  After we were done swimming we went to get some ice cream at a local roadside stand.  Then the younger boys finished painting the two tables they have been working on... only 20+ more to go!

Can you tell he had been painting?

We headed out to pick Strawberries on Thursday.  They are finally ripe and ready for picking in our area and there is nothing we enjoy more than fresh picked strawberries.  The weather had cooled off into the upper 60's so it was just perfect!  Alec was feeling quite crafty and spent a good portion of the day coloring in our color by number book and creating Perler bead projects using the Minecraft activity book we just got in.  The boys had been listening to a new book on CD in the car and they were all enjoying it so much they wanted to keep listening to it during lunch.  They asked to eat on the patio and we brought Evan's Cd player outside to listen while we ate.


  1. It's been very hot here lately and has sure felt like summer, but we haven't been swimming yet - no time! Love seeing your art projects, as usual - always so creative! Thanks for linking up at Homeschool Highlights!

    1. Thank you! I sure do try... now if I can just come up with 3 or 4 more we'll finish up those 100 days of art!

  2. What a lovely, wonderful week. The lake looks grand.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Those paintings look fantastic indeed! I bet you all enjoy the day by the lake and the swimming! I miss those moments :)

    1. It was so wonderful to finally be swimming again.

  4. I think it's so cool you're almost done with 100 days of art.

    1. Me too! I am so excited to see that we should be finishing up this week and I should have all the posts done by the end of next week.


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