My June Novels

I have had so much fun reading this month!  With our school year ending and spending more of our days relaxing I have had a lot of time to read... and I found so many wonderful books to indulge with.

1.  All Dressed In White by Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke--  I love mystery novels and this book was fantastic!  5 years after Amanda mysteriously disappears from a seaside resort just days before her wedding her family asks the show Under Suspicion to do an expose on what really happened; hoping beyond hope to finally find out what happened to Amanda on that fateful night and answer once and for all the question of whether or not she's still alive.

2.  Irresistible by Susan Mallery--Elissa is a struggling single mom who has sworn off men until her daughter is old enough to leave home.... then her new neighbor, an ex- marine, and all around helpful guy begins to lend her a hand.  Will he prove to irresistible to ignore?

3.  Distant Shores by Kristin Hannah-- When Birdie and her husband Jack Shore find themselves with an empty house and unfulfilled dreams they are left wondering how life passed them by. As they drift apart they decide to purposely spend time apart and end up on opposites sides of the United States with Jack in New York and Birdie enjoying the pacific northwest.  As they both struggle to hold onto their dreams they are unsure if they should let one another go too.

4.  Still Alice by Lisa Genova-- I watched the movie when it first came out on DVD and just loved it but I had put off reading the book; mostly because I found the movie so moving and emotional I had no idea how I would survive the book.  It was fabulous!  When Alice first begins forgetting simple everyday things she chalks it up to the onset of menopause but soon realizes that these are not run of the mill memory lapses.  The book shows her and her family's struggle to cope with early onset Alzheimer's.

5.  Delicious by Susan Mallery -- In this prequel to Irresistible I got to read all about how Penny and her ex- husband Cal reconnected and fell madly in love with one another.  Even though they both had lots of issue, secrets, and misunderstandings.

6.  Sizzling by Susan Mallery-- After reading the first two books in the series, I just knew I had to keep going!  In sizzling Reid meets his match with feisty home nurse Lori.

7.  Tempting by Susan Mallery-- I just had to finish up the series and learn what happened with black sheep of the family; Dani Buchanan.  When she discovers who her real father is, Dani must decide what to do about him and his adopted son, Alex.

8.  We Are All Made of Stars by Rowan Coleman-- Stella, a hospice nurse, finds solace writing last letters for her patients making sure that their last words and thoughts are preserved for their families.  With her husband returned from Afghanistan a totally different man, she find escape and meaning in her work.  One night while writing a letter, Stella is faced with a dilemma.  The letters are always delivered after the patients' death but just this one time Stella feels that there could be a very different ending if she delivers it before...

9.  Beach Town by Mary Kay Andrews-- Greer is thrilled when she finds a small town Florida town that fits the exact specifications of her bosses list.  As a location scout for a movie company, Greer is used to paving the way for the film crew and all that shooting a movie on location entails but she meets her match in Cypress Keys when mayor Eb takes objection to their plans.  Will they find a way to make their movie in this beach town?

Pin for later!


  1. Great list! I love how you have a little something from every genre. I love mystery, and I've never read a Mary Higgins Clark book, so I'll have to check her out. Thanks!

  2. I love Still Alice the movie..but I haven't read the book. I bet it's wonderful as well. And reading Mary Higgins Clark is always enjoyable!

    1. It was quite wonderful! It was one of those rare times I actually thought the book and movie were equally as enjoyable (of course the book did have some differences from the movie).


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