Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Used Perler Beads

We had a pretty quiet week; spending most of it at home.  We did try a new crafting project but other than that we didn't really do anything new or unusual.  We are just one week away from finishing up our schoolwork for the year though and we couldn't be more thrilled!

We had plans to hike up a mountain on Friday with a few other homeschooling families, but since it was supposed to be quite hot by mid- day we all decided to meet up at a different park and hike a smaller trail.  The kids then played on the playground and we all enjoyed the shade and the breeze.  The boys were anxious to get back home afterwards and spent the afternoon swimming in the lake.

Saturday Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and Alec headed off to help his father plane some boards.  I was sewing a new cushion for our patio swing and Evan helped a time or two.  We all just love how comfy it is now! The boys went swimming after lunch and just before supper we all headed off for a family canoe/ kayak ride.  We had one of the boys' cousins sleeping over and thought that would be a lot of fun for him.  We even saw a beaver swimming around!

Ian headed off for work again on Sunday and my husband and I turned to working around the house.  We cleaned off and organized the patio then called the younger boys down to help fix a few patio blocks that had moved and lifted up a bit.  We headed to their grandparent's house for a fun night of pizza and playing. The younger two boys learned how to play kings corner with an ordinary deck of playing cards.

Monday the cat needed to go to the vet for a check up.  Ian wanted to head off for a day of work with his grandfather and finished up his schoolwork in record time.  The younger boys and I went to run a few errands after the vet appointment and their schoolwork was done.  We picked up a few Perler bead kits and put together a fun craft projects.  Whenever we weren't doing crafts or schoolwork Alec was curled up trying to finish his book-- The Wolf Keepers

Evan had a doctor's appointment early in the morning on Tuesday but Alec woke with a low grade temp and a sore throat.  Luckily, my mother in law was around to stay with Alec while I went with Evan to the doctor.  We spent a very quiet day hanging around the house watching TV, movies and playing video games. I gave the boys the entire day off from schoolwork and they were just thrilled.

We knew with Alec not feeling well that we were going to have to skip our last zoo class of the season and stay home again on Wednesday.  The boys were disappointed (Alec most of all!), but they understood that health has to come first.  We did a bit of schoolwork and since it rained most of the day the boys spent a lot of time playing video games and watching TV again.  Even though he was still a bit under the weather he was one happy boy.  This kind of sickness I can handle!

Thursday we spent a great deal of time working on our schoolwork.  It was raining once again and we had a hard time filling our day.  The boys turned to screens once again.  Alec found a new Lego set in his room (that he forgot he had!) and started putting that together.  Ian trucked a bunch of sand inside and started playing with his small trucks in the pile to keep himself occupied.  We spent the evening watching Nacho Libre together.


  1. I love the swing cushions!

    1. Thank you! I've been putting it off for three years now and after I finished I did think; that wasn't so bad.

  2. sorry a little sickness got in the way of your plans. hope everyone is feeling better!

    1. Thanks; it seems to be making it's rounds still but thankfully (so far) no one seems to have more than some simple cold like symptoms.


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