Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week Alec Made His Spring Cupcakes

We had a lot of fun this week.  We're starting to wrap up our schoolwork for the year and are looking quite forward to taking a good month or so off before diving into our new books.  We're keeping our lessons a bit shorter each day so we can take advantage of the nice weather (when we have it; though it's been pretty rainy and even when the sun does make an appearance it's a bit chilly!).  We're starting to remember what a laid- back summer schedule is like and we are enjoying it tremendously!

Saturday Ian went to work with his grandfather; we saw him driving the one ton truck slowly through the campground helping his grandfather prepare the campground for the summer.  The younger boys and I helped my husband move around some tractors and lawn mowers, visiting with family while we did.

The boys and I raked the yard on Sunday.  My husband got the dock put in, we cleaned up the shed and started cleaning off the patio too. Alec noticed a mocking bird nearby making such a huge variety of sounds; we were all mesmerized for bit.  Ian went to work with his grandfather again and they moved the excavator up to the campground and prepared for the campers to arrive on Monday.  My husband and I had a wake to go to and squeezed in a really nice date night afterwards.

My day started pretty early Monday and the boys were all raring to go on their schoolwork.  Alec ended up asking me to just quiz him on the 4 spelling lists left in his workbook; he passed them all with flying colors and finished up his book.  Ian asked me to do the same with him and he too is all finished up.  Evan could not get his spelling words but he started his last week of work in his word family book so he was quite excited.  Alec started a new math book reviewing concepts for the summer.  Alec made us some chocolate cupcakes. My mother in law took us out to dinner since my husband is away for work and we had a nice time visiting. After dinner Ian headed out with his grandfather to move a trailer and a shed; he loves any excuse to be near equipment and to work.

Evan and I headed to see a play on Tuesday.  There was a local production of Biscuit showing and since Evan had read all the Biscuit books back in the day we were quite excited to go see it. The boys all completed schoolwork before we left so we had a nice easy afternoon. Alec finished his cupcakes; mixing up colored frosting and practicing with our decorating tips to try and make "spring cupcakes" complete with grass and flowers.

His practice area 

Wednesday we did a bit of schoolwork but since the sun was shining we decided to pack it in a bit early and meet my sister at a park for some hiking.  We had a wonderful hike through the woods, up some rocky terrain and across a man made waterfall.  The sun was shining but there was a nice breeze so it was a pleasant hike.  We had some errands to run on the way home and the boys convinced me to stop and get them some ice cream too; our first trip to the ice cream stand this season!

Our lunch view! 

We also crossed another small nature made waterfall 
I really HAD to go grocery shopping on Thursday and the boys were great about finishing up their schoolwork nice and quickly.  After lunch we headed outside.  The younger boys and I worked on an art project together using up some old blank DVD's.  Ian worked on catching minnows with his net and building a dam in the water.


  1. Great picture of the mockingbird! We have a nesting pair in our yard and I'm always amazed at the sounds they can make. Hooray for a good week, and for a trip to the ice cream stand!

    1. I was amazed he stayed on that branch long enough for me to go get my camera and get set up! He was quite content to sing his little heart out for what seemed like an hour.

  2. good job catching those minnows

    1. He has quite the eye for them! He catches more fish and animals with the net than he often does with his pole.


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