Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Spent All That Time with Family and Friends

We bypassed much of our schoolwork this week to spend extra time our family and friends.  Our public school friends were on spring break and some extended family members that we don't get to see nearly enough came home to help us say goodbye to a beloved family member.  We hadn't planned on setting aside our schoolwork as much as we did this week but that's OK.  We're still in good shape to finish up our current books within the next few weeks anyway and sometimes life just happens.

Friday we dyed our Easter eggs using water and bleeding tissue paper.  You can read all about how we did that here. The boys each took their spelling tests, worked on some math and did a writing assignment.  Ian and Alec chose to work on a Draw Write Now page while Evan really wanted to write his own story... but he asked if he could dictate it to me and just create the story.  I agreed and he came up with a great beginning to his story.  The boys all did some reading too.  Alec read most of Story Thieves Secret Origins.  Ian read Trucks! More than 100 Vehicles.  Evan and I read a half chapter in the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.  We already know we love the story and the pictures are just breath taking! We watched Families of Kenya and read Africa and Africa Dream.

Families of Kenya

Ian headed off to work on Saturday helping his grandfather clean up the campground and get it ready for the spring season.  They were raking leaves and sticks and driving tractors.  The younger two boys spent their morning playing video games but before lunch I asked them to take a nice long break.  Alec played with all his Ben 10 character while Evan and I went for a walk.  He made some pasta and sauce for lunch when we got home and after lunch he asked me to read the rest of Harry Potter chapter we had started on Friday.  We then played 5 rounds of Spot it!  Alec joined in for the final round and by the time we finished it was 3:30.  The boys went back to playing screens for a bit while I folded laundry and then they went outside just before dinner.  Ian headed out for a night of dinner and shopping with his grandparents since his birthday is coming up soon. After dinner the younger boys played outside for a bit and then Alec helped me work on the jigsaw puzzle Ian and I started a few weeks ago.

Sunday I headed out early to do some shopping and my husband recruited the boys to help clean all the bathrooms.  He also got them to help clean out the garage and they started clearing off the patio.  Ian had a friend over and they got a huge fire going in our fire pit.  The younger boys roasted marshmallows and made s'mores after all their hard work.  Once I got home, Alec wanted help trying out a new cupcake recipe.  We made cinnamon bun cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles.  My husband took my older son, his friend and our youngest out into the woods and they worked on cutting a new dirt biking trail. They road bikes and enjoyed a nice day outside; we even ate lunch outside and dragged our patio table and chairs out.  The weather was just perfect!  I worked on our family puzzle for quite some time and both Alec and Evan sat and helped me at some point.

Monday the boys only had a workbook and their grammar/ word families book waiting for them.   Once they each worked on their three pages of schooling (2 pages in math and one in language arts) we worked on getting our car packed up.  We loaded up bikes and scooters and our cupcakes and headed to the shoreline to spend a day with our friends at their house.  The boys played basketball, rode bikes and scooters, played tag, and watched a movie with the 4 other kids while my girlfriend and I spent a day trying to get caught up on each other's lives.  Alec finished his Story Thieves book on the long car ride. Evan ended up heading out for a sleepover once we got home and with my husband working late the house was quite quiet with just the two older ones hanging around watching TV. (Sorry, I was to busy to take any pictures!)

Tuesday Alec headed to karate and Ian came with me so we could shop for some socks and a belt.  He also helped me grocery shop and even carried the groceries inside for me once we arrived home.  Since Evan wasn't coming home until noon we decided to just skip the schoolwork altogether and enjoy the beautiful weather. The boys spent the day playing outside: fishing, playing tag and hide and go seek.  I sat outside as well and spent a lovely afternoon with my mother in law catching up.  It was HOT in the sun and I even got a tiny bit of a sunburn!  It was such a welcome change from the cold rainy weather we've been having.  For dinner, the boys headed off to spend some time with their grandparents while my husband and I headed off to a wake.

Wednesday we had my grandmother's funeral to go to.  We knew we wouldn't be doing any schoolwork.  We did spend time visiting with family and got to see some relatives that live out of state.  The boys played games, ran around and had fun... as kids always seem able to do, even at a funeral.  Once home, Ian headed out on his four wheeler (that he had spent the morning fixing with the help of his dad).  Later in the day he took off in his kayak to go fishing with his dad.  (With the funeral taking up most of our day I didn't take any pictures again).

We did a bit of schoolwork on Thursday.  The older boys had a writing assignment and Evan worked in his word family book.  All three boys completed two more pages in their math books and we read Bringing Rain to Kapiti Plain and another chapter in The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase.  We headed out in the afternoon to learn a new game; Capture the Flag!  A fellow homeschooling mom organized this event and my boys had high hopes; they were not disappointed either.  They had such a great time running around playing!


  1. Isn't it great to be able to spend time with those that are important to us!

    1. It sure it; I was just thinking this week that we were so lucky to visit with our family as often as we do.

  2. Your Easter eggs turned out so pretty. :-) And a great looking reading list this week too. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by; we did have fun squeezing in schoolwork.


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