Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week I Changed the Format

Looking back through my blog this year I am noticing that every weekly wrap- up sounds pretty much... well... the same.  We do a few pages in math, reading, writing and language arts most days.  We sprinkle in some geography, read aloud a few books, and add in some art projects.  But for the most part I feel like our weekly wrap ups are getting long and boring and repetitive.  So from now on I am only going to focus on the highlights or big moments of the week!

This week we spent most of our time out of the house (and hardly touched our books at all!).

On Friday, after finishing most of our schoolwork, Alec helped me make a pudding pie with a shortbread and Oreo crust.  Then we all headed out to go see Born in China.  We rented Sing on our way home and spent a rainy night watching a fun family movie.  What can I say? It was a movie kind of day!

Saturday, Ian went to work and Evan went with us to visit some family.  They had built a new house recently and we had yet to see it or really meet their newest family members.  We checked in on our seeds that we planted on Easter an were amazed at how much they had grown!  We ended our night watching The Founder.

They all look the same because we planted cucumber, zucchini, & squash

Sunday we had a birthday celebration at our house complete with a yummy trifle cake recipe that Ian had requested. (Recipe).

Monday we decided to set aside our books altogether and head to the beach for the day. We brought my sister and nephews along and even though the sun went away before we arrived we had a nice time visiting, breathing in the salt air, and playing.

We did a fun African silhouette painting on Tuesday as part of our school day (you can read all about it here) and spent most of the rainy day inside in our pajamas.

The younger boys attended their zoo class and learned all about endangered animals on Wednesday, they even managed to make it out into the zoo to learn about some of the endangered animals there between all the rain drops.  Once home we elected to play a few games.  Zooloretto became a new family favorite and Alec and I both played multiple games.  We also played rummy and Rummikub.

Zooloretto Board Game

Thursday we had friends to meet up with friends at a different zoo.  We had a great time watching all the baby animals, riding the sky ride, taking the woodland train out to see the herons, swan and elk.

(yes I chopped my hair... no I don't really like it... so I'm trying to grow it back out)

One of my favorite animals-- the cotton top tamarin; they're so tiny!  

This baby siamang kept us quite entertained! 


  1. I go through periods on getting frustrated with the sameness of my Friday wrap-ups. It is additionally hard that I often don't get any other post up in the week. I like both your formats. I try to go back and forth with them too. I love the zoo pictures.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. That's a good idea; I could go back and forth. I hated the thought of loosing that record of what we've accomplished (I do often go back and see what we've done to make myself feel better) but I was getting quite sick of On Monday we did two pages in math, one page in spelling... On Tuesday we did two pages in math and one page in spelling.. etc.

  2. Oh, I wish I had been there! The truffle cake makes me want to ditch my diet :) Have a great weekend!!!

    1. Thank you! It was a fun week but I am looking forward to settling down to a more traditional week of school next week.

  3. Looks like a fun week. I love the painting!

  4. What a great week with lots of variety :)

    1. It was a lot of fun and just what we needed to remind us to buckle down and finish off the last of our schoolwork.


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