Love to Learn Blog Hop- April

Welcome to April's blog hop!  I hope you'll come back every Tuesday to link up with us.  We have a fresh new look this month!

Love to Learn blog hop | link up | linky | blogging | homeschooling | education | kids activities | kids craft ideas

Welcome to the Love to Learn Blog Hop

A collection of educational activities to instill a life long love of learning in our children.

Enjoy learning through play, nature, crafts, and many other educational activities.

This is a PIN-IT PARTY

Your hosts will pin our favorite posts to our Pinterest boards! I encourage you to do the same!


Add all or some of your favorite social media links below the main hop.


Follow your Host & Co-hosts

We work hard to share all your fantastic content! Click on our badges, or scroll down to the social media link up and follow on your favorite channels.

If you leave your link, comment and pin on at least two others.

Hosted by

Natural Parent Guide & Our Unschooling Journey Through Life

Natural Parent Guide #momblogger #homeschool #kids #education #parenting Our Unschooling Journey Logo

Want to be a co-host?

email lmastilock(at)gmail(dot)com to co-host a future hop


Get seen by a wide audience of moms
(view Sponsor Page if interested!)

The link up is open all month long, with a new one

beginning the 1st Tuesday of every month.

Join at any time and even come back to add new posts.
    Grow blog followers, gain views and comments, and find other great blogs here.

Featured Favorite

Strewing with picture books is an engaging way to increase learning for all ages. Click here for resources!

Practicing the Art of Strewing by The Sparrow's Home

Grab the Blog Hop Button and Share the fun all month long!!
Love to Learn #bloghop, #mombloggers #homeschool #kids #education #kidsactivities #learnthroughplay #kidscrafts
<div class="Love to Learn hop-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Love to Learn Blog hop Natural Parent Guide" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Thank you for Linking up to the Love to Learn blog hop!
get the InLinkz code

Linking Up With:
JENerally Informed


  1. For a long time my safari blocked a gigantic list of blogs and all inLinkz link ups, and then my computer went bonkers and wiped my internet settings out. I suddenly know none of my passwords, but the GREAT NEWS is that I can now enter linky parties and visit everyone's blog. Yayyyyyy!!!!! Thank you for hosting!

    1. Well, I'm glad you can enjoy link up parties now but technology sure can be difficult to work with.

  2. I just stumbled upon this today. It looks like an amazing idea and way to share. Let me see if I understand. The post needs to be an idea on learning. It needs to be on Pintrest? I haven't figured out how to do that yet this may motivate me to at least make a note of it to do so!

    1. The first section with all the pictures is just a direct link to any blog post (that you have written or permission to share). The second link is a link to any social media site for people to follow you-- your blog, a facebook page, google + account, etc. It does not need to be on pinterest but we will pin whatever content you link up with to our pinterest boards to help you spread your content. Does that help clear it up a little?


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