55 Books About Africa

My boys asked if we could learn some more about Africa.  We have already studied Madagascar, Ghana, and ancient Egypt through our years of homeschooling. They know so much about the African animals and climate too, but I figured we could still have fun learning even more!

We picked out a bunch of books to read together; trying to find books about the various regions of Africa. We were hoping to read about two or three books about each of the 54 nations but that is proving quite difficult!

Here are 55 children's books we have found about Africa.

Each day we try to study a new nation by reading the books we have picked out, finding the country on our world map and coloring them in on our printable, and then perhaps watching a movie about that region or cooking up a fun new recipe.

The books we are using:

Africa is Not a Country 

Deep in the Sahara (Mauritania)


Amazing Pictures and Facts about Algeria

We Visit Libya

We're sailing Down the Nile (Egypt)

Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile (Egypt)

The Day of Ahmed's Secret (Egypt)

Rain School (Chad)

Rain School by [Rumford, James]

Central African Republic in Pictures

Learning to Swim in Swaziland

Galimoto (Malawi)

We All Went On Safari: A Counting Journey Through Tanzania 

My Rows and Piles of Coins (Tanzania)

Tracking Wild Chips in Kibira National Park (Burundi)

Beatrice's Goat (Uganda)

Wangari's Trees of Peace: A True Story From Africa (Kenya)

Seeds of Change: Wangari's Gift to the World (Kenya)

Mama Miti: Wangari Maathi and the Trees of Kenya (Kenya)

Mama Miti: Wangari Maathai and the Trees of Kenya by [Napoli, Donna Jo]

Mama Panya's Pancakes (Kenya)

Bringing the Rain to the Kapiti Plain (Kenya)

Brothers in Hope: The Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan

The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families (Eritrea)

The Horn of Africa (assorted countries in the horn of Africa)

The Perfect Orange (Ethiopia)

E is for Ethiopia (Ethiopia)


In Search of Lemurs (Madagascar)

Torina's World: A Child's Life in Madagascar

The Soccer Fence: A Story of Friendship, Hope and Apartheid in South Africa (South Africa)

A South African Night

Living In South Africa

Desmond and The Very Mean World (South Africa)

Gift of the Sun: A Tale from South Africa

The Tree of Life: The World of the African Boabab 

Tingi and the Cows (Mozambique)

Ostrich and Lark (Botswana)

The Elephant Scientist (Namibia)

Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African tale  (Zimbabwe)

Along the Luangwa: A Story of an African Floodplain (Zambia)

Cultures of the world; Angola

It Takes a Village (Benin)

A is for Africa (Nigeria)

The Magic Tree: A Folktale from Nigeria (Nigeria)

Emmanuel's Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah  (Ghana)

One Hen (Ghana)

I Lost My Tooth in Africa (Mali)

Boundless Grace (Gamba)

One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of Gambia (Gambia)

The SAN of Africa (modern countries of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, The Republic of South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland)

Jambo Means Hello

This is the Mountain (East Africa; Mount Kilimanjaro) 

The Place is Wild: East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania)

Do you have any favorite books about Africa?


  1. Love this post! I work with international students - many are delighted when they realize I am familiar with their home country names and not just the continent. Thank you for compiling this list!!

  2. Thanks for this neat list of books! We checked out The First Peoples (the San) from our library when my kids were home schooled. Now I have two at university, one at high school, and one in primary school (grade 3). "It takes a village to raise a child" is a well-known phrase here. I think Mandela would be sad if he saw the state that the country is in right now. The economy has been downgraded to Junk Status. Corruption is the leading cause of it. Visiting from the LMMLinkup.

  3. Great list of books. Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon Party.

  4. What a fantastic mix of fiction and nonfiction, there's really something here for everybody!

    1. Thank you! I always try to have a blend of fiction and non- fiction stories to use when studying geography and/or history. The fiction pulls them in and the non- fiction books books help us better understand.

  5. Wowser!! That is a whole heap of books! I've book marked this as it will be so helpful when I do our African Unit :)

    1. LOL! It really is! I still have a quite a few countries that are not represented though so I'm hoping to come up with a few more but I've already warned the boys there is a good chance that we just might not be able to read about each and every country.

  6. Wow, what a great list. Keep up the great homeschool work, and thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays.

  7. Thanks for posting on What to Read Wednesday, great selections!


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