Weekly Wrap- Up: Our Last Week of School Until the New Year

I decided on Tuesday that as long as we could make it to Friday and finish up the spelling unit we were in the middle of that we were done with school this year.  We're going to take a few weeks off until after the New Year.  I'm sure we'll still play games and do other fun learning activities but I've promised the boys that the workbooks will be put away.  We'll be focusing on preparing for the holidays next week with grocery shopping, gift wrapping, and a few last minute crafts (if we have time!).  We'll spend the week after Christmas enjoying all their new toys and playing with friends who are on break from school.  Then we'll be ready to jump back into our schoolwork.

Friday Alec had a dentist appointment.  The older two boys took their spelling tests while Evan made himself another loom band bracelet.  Ian finished two pages in his math book, read a few more pages in High in the Sky, and read a chapter in The Orange Outlaw. Then he pulled out his ceramic village garage and put even more detail into it.  When he was done he started painting the bowling alley (and finished the whole thing by the end of the day; it's amazing how painstakingly he is working to fill in every detail on every building).  Evan read a few pages in his Ranger Rick magazine, worked on two pages in his math workbook and then read a few pages in Roscoe Riley.  Alec finished his National Geographic Kids magazine, read Thor's Serpents, and worked for 30 minutes on Khan Academy.   Together we read Christmas in the Big Woods and Stowaway in a Sleigh. We went to the library and for a walk/ bike ride in the afternoon.  The younger boys spend most of the day working with loom bands making bracelets and animal charms.

Saturday Ian headed to work with his grandfather.  The younger boys and I re-stacked the wood in the wood rack and then the boys constructed a fort in the playroom to prepare for a sleepover together.  Alec and I cleaned his fish tank, re-filled his bird feeder and then worked together to alter a few pairs of pajama pants for him (mostly he just tried them on while I did the sewing).  We made cinnamon bun cookies and listened to a bunch of Christmas music.

Sunday Ian again headed off to work with his grandfather.  Alec had an art class in the afternoon with one of his friends.  Evan took off into the woods with my husband to find the perfect stick.  Evan has been asking to make his own bo staff for a few weeks and after reading up on a few how to articles my husband has offered to help him.

Monday we started reading Vespers Rising.  The boys wrote some Christmas Roll- A- Stories.  They all worked on the next page in their spelling workbooks.  Ian read another section in his High in the Sky book and a few more pages in the Orange Outlaw. as well as completing two more pages in his Key to Decimals book.  Alec worked on Khan Academy and read a few more chapters in Thor's Serpents.  Evan read another few pages in Roscoe Riley and his Ranger Rick magazine.  For math I had written a bunch of multiplication facts onto packing poppers and he read off the fact, told me the answer, then popped them.  It's a nice noisy and fun way to practice facts.  The boys all cleaned their room and even sorted through some toys to give away.  Ian worked on painting another village piece working on the burger stand.

Tuesday the boys worked in their spelling books and the younger two boys went to karate.  Once we arrived home we put all of our school books away and had a fun crafting day! You can read all about each of our craft projects here. We went for a hike in the woods and the boys played outside for a good 30 minutes.  After dinner Evan worked on his bo staff and Ian worked with my husband to start putting together his robotic arm kit.

Wednesday we cleaned the whole downstairs and the boys even went through all the toys in the playroom making a pile of ones that they were fine with getting rid of.  The boys did a bit of schoolwork each working in their spelling book, their math book (or Khan Academy for Alec), and reading.  Evan read If You Give a Cat a Cupcake.  We read several pages in Vespers Rising.  We read The Night Tree and The Light of Christmas.

Thursday we had friends over for a fun holiday baking party.  The other mom made some sugar cookie dough and we cut them out, allowing the kids to decorate them.  You can read all about our painted sugar cookies here. We did a little bit of schoolwork before they came.  We read Vespers Rising.  The boys all worked in their spelling books.  Ian worked on two pages in his math workbook.  Alec, Evan and I played Sorry!  We also played two math games-- one called Round It! working with a deck of cards and rounding numbers and a Penguin Multiplication connect 4 game.  Alec also worked on Khan Academy for 15 minutes.  Ian finished up the Orange Outlaw, Alec read Thor's Serpents and Evan read more of his Roscoe Riley book to me.


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