Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week of Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a wonderful holiday (if you celebrate it!). We had a nice quiet week at home. We spent three days cleaning, learning about the first Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims, and enjoying some nice down time. We had some schoolwork to do Monday- Wednesday but took the end of the weekend off for Thanksgiving and our annual day of Christmas decorating.
Foreign Language: Alec has been listening to a cartoon in French and reading all the subtitles that go with it teaching himself a few French Words.
Family fun: We played Qwirkle together one night. My husband took the older boys to the movies to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home with just the immediate family this year. We later traveled to my sister's house for dessert and had a wonderful time.
Reading: We read Thankful. We finished up Into the Gauntlet. Ian started reading The missing Mummy. Alec finished up Loki's Wolves and started Odin's Ravens. He's also reading the graphic novel Loki Agent of Asgard -- guess he's on a Norse God kick! Evan finished up Roscoe Riley book 3 and decided he liked it so much we started right into book 4. The younger boys and I also read Pete the Cat The First Thanksgiving.
History: We read What Was the First Thanksgiving, The Boy Who Fell off the Mayflower, and If You Were Me and Lived in Colonial America.
Art: We made our own version of Zentangle turkeys.
English/ Language arts: The older boys completed a page in their Success with Writing books learning about capitalization and a book in their Grammar books learning about past participles. Evan finished up his unit his word family books. All three boys worked in their cursive books too; I am so proud of us for sticking with this. Our last cursive books lasted us 2-3 years!
Writing: The boys are just about ready to wrap up their 30 Days of Thankful writing. It's been such a fun and quick writing activity each day and I have just loved reading their answers.
Math: The boys worked on two pages in their math books Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Life Skills: The boys helped me grocery shop for Thanksgiving. They also helped me clean house. Evan helped my husband put the window in our new shed that we're building. He had fun using the electric screwdriver. Ian took a morning off from school to go with my husband to work. All three boys have been working with some tools out in our woods to make a fort. I was informed yesterday that they just about have all the walls and a ceiling done.
Science/ Nature: The younger boys and I got to watch THREE bald eagles take flight and fly off down the lake. They were squawking and making unusual sounds. Alec discovered a game for the kindle called Toca Lab that is all about the periodic table of elements. He spent a good hour playing it and asked so many questions that I finally printed off his own copy of the periodic table of elements. He was so happy he cheered! Evan decided to download the game to his kindle as well and was so excited that his first element was nitrogen. I am all for self- guided science discovery!
Foreign Language: Alec has been listening to a cartoon in French and reading all the subtitles that go with it teaching himself a few French Words.
Family fun: We played Qwirkle together one night. My husband took the older boys to the movies to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home with just the immediate family this year. We later traveled to my sister's house for dessert and had a wonderful time.

History: We read What Was the First Thanksgiving, The Boy Who Fell off the Mayflower, and If You Were Me and Lived in Colonial America.

English/ Language arts: The older boys completed a page in their Success with Writing books learning about capitalization and a book in their Grammar books learning about past participles. Evan finished up his unit his word family books. All three boys worked in their cursive books too; I am so proud of us for sticking with this. Our last cursive books lasted us 2-3 years!
Writing: The boys are just about ready to wrap up their 30 Days of Thankful writing. It's been such a fun and quick writing activity each day and I have just loved reading their answers.
Math: The boys worked on two pages in their math books Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Life Skills: The boys helped me grocery shop for Thanksgiving. They also helped me clean house. Evan helped my husband put the window in our new shed that we're building. He had fun using the electric screwdriver. Ian took a morning off from school to go with my husband to work. All three boys have been working with some tools out in our woods to make a fort. I was informed yesterday that they just about have all the walls and a ceiling done.
Science/ Nature: The younger boys and I got to watch THREE bald eagles take flight and fly off down the lake. They were squawking and making unusual sounds. Alec discovered a game for the kindle called Toca Lab that is all about the periodic table of elements. He spent a good hour playing it and asked so many questions that I finally printed off his own copy of the periodic table of elements. He was so happy he cheered! Evan decided to download the game to his kindle as well and was so excited that his first element was nitrogen. I am all for self- guided science discovery!
How was your week?
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