Books About the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party, and Paul Revere

We decided our next history unit is going to be about the American revolution, with some emphasis placed on the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere.  We've touched upon the American revolution before but I thought it was time for a more in depth look at it.

We've picked out our books and we can't wait to dive right in.

Here's what we'll be reading:

1. And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

2. Paul Revere's Ride

3. What Was the Boston Tea Party?

4. You Wouldn't Want to Be at the Boston Tea Party

5. Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Midnight Ride of Flat Revere

6. Who Was Paul Revere?

7. The Boston Tea Party

8. George Vs George; The American Revolution as Seen From Both Sides

10. Independent Dames: What You Never Knew About the Women and Girls of the American Revolution

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  1. Thanks for the great list of books! I'm going to check these out at our next trip to the library!

  2. I've always loved the "You Wouldn't Want to Be" series! This is a great list! Pinned and shared.

    1. Thanks for the pin and the share. We enjoy that series a lot too. They are very entertaining.

  3. My kids loved the "You Wouldn't Want to Be" series, too! Thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays.


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