Our Animal Adventures at the Capron Park Zoo

We went to a local zoo yesterday because my two younger boys were taking part in a class on learning all about animal classification.  Of course we later spent the afternoon wandering around the zoo watching all the animals.  It was such a fun day and I had a great time playing with my camera and taking pictures.

See the otter in the treetop?

Red ruffed lemurs

The male lion 

One of the female lions

The leopard 

Meerkats all cuddled together 

One of the many beautiful birds we saw 


  1. gotta love a trip to the zoo! wonderful photos of your animal adventures :)

    1. Thank you! I was having so much fun playing with my camera; more and more I find myself drawn to nature photography.

  2. I LOVE ZOOS!!! Our closest one is just north of Boston. I try to get down there at least twice in the summer. It was there I actually heard a lion roar. My friend and I had to stop and really figure out what it was because we were a good distance away from the Lions Den. I was amazed at the power! I still think Washington Zoo in DC is my fav! #ExplororKids

    1. The Washington zoo is on our list; once my middle son hear they had pandas I was told we "HAD to go there!." We do try to visit different zoos all the time and my boys once heard the lion at Southwick's zoo; they were in a class with the zookeeper at the time and she told them the roar can be heard for miles around.

  3. You managed to get some great closeups of the animals, I find it often so hard in zoos.

    1. Thanks! I have a pretty wonderful zoom on my camera.

  4. We love zoos too! Love the Lion photos. Mandyxxx #explorerkids

  5. Great pics. Especially those meerkats! So cute!

    1. We loved the meerkats; they were so fun to watch!

  6. Great photos! I haven’t been to a zoo in ages. I really should take my kids. #explorerkids

    1. I bet they'd love it! We're currently looking for a new zoo to check out; I feel like we've been to the ones around us so often that they've lost their appeal.

  7. I love the photo of the meerkats cuddled together they are so cute. Sarah #ExplorerKids

    1. They were so adorable! There were a lot of them and they had a huge cage with a built in mountain that they were running all around.

  8. Aww... this is so lovely. The animals looks really content. So beautiful. Thank you very much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids x


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