Weekly Wrap Up: The Week This Happened.

Oh boy! What a week we've had.  I can't say it was great but it wasn't awful either.  We sure had some major high and lows though.  Wednesday morning found us at the ER getting x-rays and discovering my oldest had a fractured wrist.... definitely one of the lows!  Then through a minor miscommunication with my sister we ended up at an amusement park alone on Thursday.  We had fun at the park but it was hot, very crowded, and we were missing the rest of our family.  We also hit tons of traffic on our drive up and home making for a VERY long day.  Luckily Ian was not in any pain at any point throughout the day and all the boys were getting along so well all day.

This morning Ian and I are heading out nice and early to go get his cast put on.  With all the unexpected twists and turns our week took we only managed to get to our school work one day this week; which my boys just LOVED.  Knowing our summer work is winding down I don't mind too much either.

Math/logic/ problem solving-- Each of the boys completed two math workbook pages this week.  The boys had a great time working together to make a dam this week.

Evan made a power house near the dam 

Spelling/Language arts:  Each of the boys completed two more pages in on of their spelling books.

Reading:  Ian finished up Operation Orca and started reading Secret Admirer.  Alec read Secret of the Water Dragon, Power of the Fire Dragon and finished up the Unwanteds.  Evan finished reading Humprhey's Creepy Crawling Camping Adventure and started reading Humphrey's School Fair Surprise.  We finished up The Viper's Nest and listened to some more of our Heroes Of Olympus book in the car.

Life skills-- Ian went to work with his grandfather over the weekend mowing lawns and working on building a road using the excavator.  The younger boys went with my husband and I to the saw mil and helped cut down some rather large logs into boards.  We also spent the weekend cleaning out our old shed; packing up stuff to donate, move to another location, and throw away.  We used some tools to dismantle old chairs and the boys actually enjoyed themselves.  We learned about bones, injuries and x-rays from the doctors and nurses we saw this week.

Art-- We made chalk pastel/ tempera paint pictures this week.

Science-- Alec read In The Rainforest.  We watched the hummingbirds at our feeders and enjoyed checking up on all our plants.

Geography-- Evan, Alec, and I read This Is the Mountain; learning about Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Family fun-- We went to play miniature golf this weekend and got some ice cream.  The boys went four wheeling with their dad.  We also enjoyed a nice family dinner out and as a reward for all their hard work we bought a new video game that they have enjoyed playing with mu husband.  We played a few games of pitch and rummy. The boys and I spent a day at Quassy Amusement park and rode many of the rides.


  1. Oh man -some weeks, some days are like that! I'm glad Ian isn't in pain! Boys sure do play rough. Have a good day!

  2. Thanks for sharing your unschooling journey and opening my eyes to the fact that unschoolers do some traditional work if the kids are on board with it.

    1. We tried being strict unschoolers but my boys actually asked/ begged for some traditional schoolwork and a real routine. So we tend to do an hour or so of traditional school work each morning and then leave our days free for whatever we feel like doing afterwards but we remain flexible and don't stress taking days off.

  3. Wow! That is an up and down week. We have only one more week of dear daughters broken finger to contend with. I can't wait for her to be able to write and do all of her things she loves again.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Luckily he ended up with a splint and not a cast and they think he'll be back to new in two weeks so it wasn't nearly as bad as we feared. We haven't attempted schoolwork yet but I know he'll be dictating for a while.


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