Spring Themed Book Bag

I stumbled upon this blog and post the other day and loved her idea of picking out books for the season based on portions/ pictures of the cover and/ or a spring theme.

I was immediately inspired to make my own lists!

I decided that since I enjoy books just as much as my boys to pick two books for each category; one grown up book for me to read and one book for us all to read together.

1.  "Spring Showers:  What would spring be without the life-giving showers that are a sure sign that spring is here?" Books that are a quick read and sure to lift our spirits.   

The boys and I chose How to Babysit a Grandpa.  It's such an adorable and funny picture book (that we read for this challenge!). 

The Friends We Keep.  I love Susan Mallery books they're always cute romance stories and I can usually read them in just a day or two.

2.  "Colorful Flowers: After the showers come beautiful flowers of all colors." Books that have pretty flower or floral pattern somewhere on the cover that we enjoy reading.

After looking around Barnes and Noble for a long time the boys and I settled on A Brave Bear; it was pretty difficult to find a kids book for three boys that had flowers on the cover in any way shape or form.  

The Glass Kitchen; I have never read anything by this author but I do like the pretty cover and I usually enjoy novels about sisters. 

3.  "Shades of Green: Between the grass, the leaves on the trees, and all of the new flowers, there are so many shades of green everywhere in spring."  Books that are driven by conflict over money that we just LOVE!

For the boys we had to pick the 39 Clues series; we're currently on book 4 and we just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series! 

I am currently reading Brotherhood In Death.  I love JD Robb's "in death" series and so far this one is pointing towards money and power conflicts (though I could be wrong!).  I can't wait to find out who did it and their motives! 

4. "Picnics & Strolls in the Park: After months of being stuck inside there is nothing like an escape to the park."  Books that have iconic scenes in a park - or at least a book that has a scene in a park that was vivid to us.

My boys chose the series Kingdom keepers and while these may not be what people think of when they think park my kids usually do think of amusement parks and Disney is by far our family favorite "park!"  

Beautiful Places; The Timeless Beauty of South Carolina's State Parks.  We're planning a family vacation to South Carolina this year and thought this book would be perfect to read before we head out. 

5.  "All Things Fresh & New: Spring is the season for new, share a book that has caught your eye this season and is brand new - even if you haven't read it yet, or might not ever!"  Some new books we're just dying to read:

I honestly didn't ask my boys for input on this one! I saw Our Great Big Backyard being talked about on Jimmy Fallon and knew that this book was going on our must read list for the spring. About a girl's trip with her family to the national park and all that they have to offer I can't wait to read this with them.

The Obsession; I love Nora Roberts and can't wait to read the newest book in her collection. 


6.  "Running Shoes, Flip-flops, Sandals, Rain boots: You have to admit the selection for footwear goes up significantly in the Spring."   Books that showcase a foot or shoe on the cover.     

Finding Winnie: the True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear.   

I have just stumbled upon this series of book over the past week and I'm loving the easily writing style of the author.  I'm a sucker for a good, mindless, romance novel and these are adorable.  I have only read two so far and can not wait to read the rest.  The Independent One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance. 

Isn't this such a fun way to look at books and plan for some fun spring reading?


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE book challenges! I used to sign up for several on Goodreads and that was how I planned my reading each month. I've never done it with picture books. Love the idea!

    1. Me too! I just love books and reading... but I don't always have as much time to read just for me so I thought if I started finding books to read with my boys to go along with the challenges I was finding.

  2. I found some new book challenges. Thanks!

    visiting from LMM

  3. My daughter was a HUGE fan of The Berenstain Bears when she was younger. I think we might have worn out 'The Berenstain Bears Get the Grumpies". Towards the end I didn't even have to look at the page! *lol*

    Maybe I can get some of those titles you've listed and donate them to the county library or something. My youngest is 13, but they're at that point where they are 'too cool' for children's books.

    Here's my Spring Theme Book Tag post!

    1. I have a 12 year old who is quickly approaching that area; luckily when it's just us at home he still humors me. Plus I TRY to find more "grown up" picture books for him to enjoy with us.

  4. Love that you have a books to read with your kiddos and a grown up choice for each topic! So great! We love the Grandpa babysitting book too, just fun and silly. I'll to check out the Disney ones, my boys would really get into those. Thanks for joining us!


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