30 Things I Want to Teach My Boys Before They're All Grown Up

As a homeschooling mom there are so many things I need to teach my boys; reading, writing, math, science, history, etc. that I often get bogged down in all the school type subjects they need to know.

But as a mom I know there's so much more I need to teach them about the world and the kind of men I want them to be.  Not being a man myself there is only so much I can teach them.  Yet, I know that as their mom I help mold their character and the choices they make that will determine what kind of adults they'll be.  Here is a list of 30 things I want my kids to know by the time they leave home:

  • Don't compare yourself to others. You are no better than anyone else nor are they better than you.
  • Real men do cry; just not over small things.  
  • Take responsibility for your actions and apologize when you're wrong.
  • Treat women with respect and make sure they treat you with respect too.
  • Real men cook, clean, change diapers, and help out with household chores.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes, fail, or take chances.
  • Life is short; live it to it's fullest.
  • There are thing you want and things you need; you need to know the difference.
  • Never settle for less than you think you deserve; but realize that the world doesn't owe you anything.  
  • Books can take you places but put down the books and go places too.

  • Life can be hard and it's not always fair, but it's easier if you count your blessings.
  • Real men ask for help when they need it.  You don't have to do everything on your own.  
  • You should always have at least 1 tie, dress shirt, pair of pants and set of shoes on hand just in case. 
  • ANY job worth doing is worth doing right; don't half- a$$ it.  
  • Promises should never be broken.  Your word is your bond.  
  • You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but people often do so put your best foot forward. 
  • Dress for the job you want not the job you have.  But don't be afraid to start at the bottom and work your way there.  
  • Save a portion of each paycheck so you always have a little bit of money to fall back on.  
  • No one likes a person that brags and belittles.
  • It's never too late to right a wrong or learn something new.

  • Real friends are there through good times and bad; fair weather friends are only around for the good times.  Know the difference and try to surround yourself with real friends.
  • Pay off your credit cards every month or get rid of them.  Don't spend more money than you make. 
  • Wealth is not just measured in dollars and cents.  If the only thing you have is money you are missing out on so much. 
  • Respect is earned not given.  Be someone people can look up to and respect.
  • A sense of humor and a positive outlook can carry you through a lot.
  • You have a conscience for a reason- use it to help you make the right decisions. 
  •  Put down the phone, turn off the electronics and tune into life. 
  • Men can dance & those that do usually have more fun than those who watch from the sidelines; live life don't watch it pass you by.
  • Love isn't always easy but it's always worth it.  
  • You decide if you have been successful in life; it's up to you to define what success means. 

    Linking Up With:

    Party in your PJs is a Tuesday evening link party that starts at 7:00 p.m. (Mountain time) through Sunday night at midnight. Come and join in the fun!

     photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg


    1. What a perfect list. Thanks for sharing.
      Blessings, Dawn

    2. I think we're on the same page. I love your list! Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays :)

    3. Thanks ladies! I'm glad you liked it; anything you would add?

    4. what a great list loved it and had to share it so others could read as well
      come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

      1. Thank you for the share! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

    5. This is a wonderful list indeed :). I wish to teach my kids those great values as well

    6. aw this is such a great list of life lessons that we should all be teaching and living out. thanks for sharing! happy to be co hosting with you at #OMHGWW

      1. Thank you! I'm having a great time co-hosting.

    7. Im a mum to 5 boys and this list is perfect #WWBlogHop

    8. These are so wonderful!! I love all of them! I think I see a character training homeschool lesson here! ;)

      Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!




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