Combining Life Skills With Homeschooling Fun

We had no schoolwork planned for today.   I pretty much left the boys to themselves but within no time of them waking I was asked to come help supervise while Ian made us all waffles.

He, once again, made a double batch and wanted me in the room so he could make sure he was doubling all the measurements correctly.  He read through the recipe by himself and followed all the directions.  He still has a hard time remembering how to double 1 3/4 but other than that he was just fine and we all had nice delicious waffles for breakfast.  Yum!

While the boys were eating I offered to read a bit more of Harry Potter and we ended up finishing the book!

 We packed our lunches and all three boys took turns using a vegetable peeler.  They were peeling our cucumbers and carrots.  I just love having my boys helping out in the kitchen and love teaching them new skills!

We met our homeschool group at Purgatory chasm.

We hiked through the chasm, squeezed through the corn crib, slid down the sliding rock and had a ball!  We examined "new" rocks that we had not seen before, noticed trees that looked like they might have gotten struck by lightening, and observed how the chasm changes over time.  We talked, played on the playground and connected with other homeschoolers.  We did NOT want to leave because we were all having so much fun.  It was great. 

Higher and higher!

We were in the car quite a bit today so we got to listen to a lot of our book.  The boys are really enjoying the Mark of Athena.

Ian is enjoying it so much he's decided to build his own Argo II ship on Minecraft.

He's finished the outside of the ship, it's engine room, the bedrooms and the bathroom and he's started on the middle level.  He couldn't wait to show it off to all of us and I have to say I was very impressed.


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