Quassy Homeschool Day

I woke up early in the morning to make sure we had everything set and packed for today.  It was Quassy Amusement Park's Annual Homeschool day today, and while I was very nervously watching the weather, we were gearing up to go.

Many of our local amusement parks open up for a day with special discount passes for homeschooling families and even added science shows; they are so worth taking advantage of!

We find most homeschool days offer great discounts, perks like free parking or free food, a chance to meet up with fellow homeschoolers, and there's always fun lessons to be had! 

 We arrived and managed to ride every ride in the park at least once before lunch.

 It's a small park and is easy to walk from one end to the other and back in just a short time, but we love it.  With 350 homeschoolers expected to show up today and a few buses of kids we still didn't wait in any lines or feel like the park was crowded in any way.  It's very clean too!

They put on a Science stage show for us and two of my kids were called onto stage to help.  They were beaming! We always make sure to take advantage of any added special programs that are being offered for the day.
Alec on stage
Doing the twist! (moving a golf ball from the bottom to the top of the jar
that was filled to the brim with rice).

He did it and was able to give a science explanation as to why it worked!

Ian volunteered to add Mentos to the Diet Pepsi (knowing what would happen!)

It exploded and he laughed (and licked some of the soda off his arm!)

The two younger boys each bought a small stuffed animal and my oldest son decided to get a glitter tattoo-- other than a snack of ice cream at the end of the day and a few quarters for the arcade this was the only money we spent today.

We bought our tickets ahead of time at a special Homeschool Day discounted rate and even our lunches were included as part of our passes! Lunch was delicious too.  It was an all you can eat buffet of cheeseburgers (garden burgers and hamburgers were available upon request too), French fries, and hot dogs with soda/drinks.

My husband and I were talking about the total cost on the way home and realized that we spend pretty much the same amount to take the family to the movies and each get a snack. 

For some reason, I hate spending that much money on a movie but thought it was a total bargain to only spend that much for a day at an amusement park.  I don't know but I think the park days always result in more memories, more movement and more fun so at least I'm getting all that for my money.

Yep, this little boys is eating TWO hot dogs with french fries! 
We checked the skies and the radar frequently and were pleasantly surprised as the day wore on and the weather held out.  We had a few sprinkles here and there but never more than a few drops at a time.  According to the radar on my husband's phone there were a mess of rain showers and storms all around us (in a complete circle with the town we were in remaining clear!).  We were so lucky!

After lunch, and a short trip into the arcade, we headed to the water park.  I was glad to see my kids weren't the only ones crazy enough to attempt the water on a cold, cloudy day like today and I was even happier when they all agreed to check out the water slides on their own.

My husband and I sat out and watched them.  Brr!

Ian tried out all the slides; including the three new ones they put in since last year.  They also all tried out a bit of swimming in the lake.

We stayed until the storms came; riding many rides multiple time and cramming all that we could into our day.

Linking Up With: 
Tots and Me



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