Big Birthday Bash: A Fishing Themed Party

Today was the big day.

 Ian finally got to have all his friends over for a birthday/ swimming party!

The boys pitched in and helped us clean the house and get the beach and patio ready this morning.  We ran a few errands and let them get some early ice cream.  Once home they wanted to go check on the kittens next door and ended up swimming in their pool until it was time for the party.   We had everything set and decorated by then so I didn't mind.

Ian picked a fishing theme and I found so many cute ideas on Pinterest. Here is a glimpse at our party:

our favors-- tackle boxes with gummy candy
paper goods I found on-line

Gummy sharks (lures)
Swedish fish (minnows)

gummy worms (worms)

Goldfish crackers

Marshmallow bobbers (large marshmallows
dunked in red chocolate melts). 

Pretzel and Pirouette stick fishing rods


Altogether we had 10 kids for Ian's party.  It seemed to be the perfect amount as the 3 hours just flew right by.  They swam, did some fishing, took turns on the jet ski, and tried going off the rope swing.

Everyone seemed to get along just great and have tons of fun.  I was impressed with all the kids manners, behavior and attitudes.  Many of these kids did not know each other.  Ian has a diverse group of family and friends that attend different schools and are of a variety of ages but they all got along really well.  They took turns cheering for each other when they were attempting the rope swing.  They took turns dunking each other, splashing each other and jumping off the dock.

 I think the highlight of the day, for me anyway, was when all the kids got into a water war with my husband.  Everyone was laughing and squealing! 


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