Another Children's Museum

We decided at the last minute to try out a new museum today!  The boys were all eager and anxious to check it our after looking through their website with me.

 I realized I had forgotten my camera at home, but Alec had left his in the car yesterday and let me share his.  I must warn you the pictures it takes aren't the best but I figured it was better than nothing.

We arrived!
The boys had so much fun.  Between Alec and myself we took over 100 photos.

They had a whole room of live animals that Alec just loved and he took multiple photos of most of the animals.  We saw chinchilla's, sugar gliders, rattlesnakes, a bobcat, a barred owl, skinks, lizards, turtles, pythons, fish, an adorable little fox.

Look at the bobcat! 
One of Alec's favorite animals was this little fox
They have bunnies!
"who cooks for you?"  Barred owl
Skink (or perhaps one of the lizards)
We checked out the Ancient Egypt exhibit (after we snuck by the guarding statue of Anubis-- cloak and dagger style we had to creep up the hallway and hide behind crates and boxes; it was great!). I love when their imaginations kick in and they include me in their playing.

The boys got to see replicas of artifacts found in king Tut's tomb (we had to hide from the guard a few times while walking through the rooms too!), they also got to try on Egyptian clothing replicas, try to make a boat and sail it down the Nile (an air hockey type table with fans that blew the boat really well), excavate for artifacts, use blocks to try and build pyramids, and look at some lizards from Egypt. 

King Tut's treasures

Making sail boats

Excavating and finding treasures
Playing dress- up!
We watched a planetarium show about Polar Bears, tried out flight simulators, made paper airplanes, and tried to build earthquake proof buildings in the Lego room.

They had fun playing with huge foam blocks and what looked like pool noodles; they built a two story structure that Alec crawled through (the top floor!).  Evan tried to be an air traffic controller and was even able to read the signs by himself! 

Playing with "electricity"
Experimenting with action and reaction

Flight simulators

Paper airplanes

What bird am I?

Huge light brights are always a hit
Earthquake building

It was a wonderful day filled with hands- on learning and we covered science, reading, math/logic, and history!

Can learning get any better than this?

I don't think so.       

Linking Up With:
JENerally Informed

Brag About It Link Party #17-17


  1. We used to love going to the children's museum when my kids were little. This looks like a great one. I'm glad you all had a fun day out :).

    1. They are so much fun and we have quite a few near us!

  2. Children's museums are so much fun. The ancient Egypt exhibit sounds like it was a lot of extra fun too! Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!


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