A Day in the Life Post Using Grocery Store Math & Library Books

We are at our library so often that we know all of our librarians by name (and they know us too!).  I can't imagine homeschooling without the help of our local library and our internet.  I think those are the two most used tools in our homeschool by far.

Our day started out like many of our mornings with my kids watching a bunch of science shows on TV.  They watched a few episodes of Wild Kratts and learned all about Draco lizards and squids.  I also received a link through clickschooling that led us to a website full of short educational videos.  We watched one on why leaves change color.  The voice that accompanies the video is a bit robotic but it was very short and the boys didn't seem to mind. Here is the link to the site.  
We did math at the grocery store once again today.  Alec and Ian focused on rounding to the nearest dollar.  Today I did explain the rules of rounding.  They struggled a bit at first but really had the hang of it by the end of our shopping trip.  They were even able to round .59 to $1.  so I was real happy with that.  All in all it was a great math lesson that helped keep them busy while shopping too.  Evan happily pointed out numbers to me and has starting adding small numbers together!

Once home we read a bunch of books on Connecticut since they were all due back at the library.  Our favorites are N is for Nutmeg, and Yankee Doodle Numbers.  The boys were so excited to recognize many of the people, buildings, and places mentioned in the books.  It was a great and fairly short geography lesson with just a bit of history tied in.  Evan wasn't much interested after the first book but did wander back in a time or two in order to look at a picture his brothers were talking about. 

Ian read a book about dump trucks while Alec read another chapter in the Dragon book.  I had noticed this morning that Alec has pretty much read the whole book so far, taking over for me after I read the first chapter.  He often reads aloud to us all when we're in the car driving somewhere.  Today I realized that Evan and Ian don't seem all that interested in this second book so I asked them if they liked it and wanted to finish listening to it or not and they said they didn't.  Alec loudly claimed he wanted to finish and so he's now reading it on his own.   It does have some rather large vocabulary words that I'm not sure he'll understand or be able to sound out but I don't want to stop him from reading.  I've asked him to ask for help whenever he needs it and he's now reading it silently to himself. 
After lunch we headed out to the library to check out some new books and return our old ones that are due.  The boys have asked to learn about Hawaii next so we took out a few books and movies on that state as well as a new chapter book to read aloud together.   I picked the Magic Schoolhouse book High Tide in Hawaii to go along with everything else.  We got some new books on Cd and listened to them in the car while running errands: Curious George Rides a Bike and Wild About Books.  They were both really cute, funny books that the kids enjoyed hearing.  Evan picked out a Shel Silverstein book of poetry on CD we'll listen to over the next few days in the car that I'm sure will be another huge hit since we're all fans of his anyway.

 I'm happy with what we accomplished and proud of how well my boys are developing.  Today was a wonderful day of homeschooling.


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