Favorite Photos of 2019

This month for 10 on the 10th we're sharing our 10 favorite photos of the year and boy was this a difficult task!  I don't know about you but I tend to take a LOT of photos and narrowing it down to 10 seemed impossible.

Our first art class at Brush it Off

This impromptu photo Alec snapped of my husband and I

We had a family photo shoot and while I loved all the photos these two were my absolute favorites.

It's so rare to catch Alec with an opened mouth smile that this snap caught mid-laugh always makes me smile.

I love any photo that captures my boys having fun together!

I'm trying to get better at snapping photos of fun family outings too.  It's so much easier with older kids to just get a quick shot in.

We had  great time on our family vacation and I just loved this photo of Evan captured in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming. 

Ian is happiest when he's riding something and this summer I was struck over and over by how old he looks every time he took the jet ski for a little spin.

My husband and I had a wonderful weekend away in New Hampshire so I just had to include this selfie we snapped since I am immediately brought back to the wonderful weekend away we spent hiking, exploring, and relaxing.

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  1. As soon as I read your title, I was thinking the same thing... how will you narrow it down, haha?!? You did great! I love the photo of you and your hubby and the family photo is precious too!

    1. Thank you! It was actually easier than I thought it would be; probably because I don't take quite so many photos of the kids now that they're older and asking me to chill out with that a bit. LOL

  2. Wonderful memories! I had the same difficulty with narrowing down my pictures.

    1. It's can be so hard! But these few just stood out above the rest and made my choices a bit easier this year.

  3. I love these! I love that all of the pictures you chose are such happy memories. How long did it take you to go through all of your pictures from the year? When I first read this, I thought it was from the month, but I just went back and saw it was from the whole year!

    1. Surprisingly it didn't really take me that long; maybe an hour or so? But I am really good about keeping them organized.

  4. Oh such wonderful and heart warming photos! You have a beautiful family. I think some of the best photos of my husband and I are impromptu selfies! Hopping over from the #happynowlinkup.


    1. Aw, thank you! We're not so good at the selfies yet but we're working on it.

  5. What a great memories and photos of your beautiful family! So much fun to look back and cherished that precious moments..

  6. I was thinking how hard it would be to go through and find 10 favorites - Good for you for doing this! I'd have a hard time picking 1 or 2 from a single event, lol.

    1. I'm the same way! I love to take photos and have a hard time honing in on just a few.

  7. Thanks for sharing your family photos. It is amazing how fast kids grow up, isn't it? Loved the boot photo from Wyoming!

    1. It really is! I am being towered over now and it's always a bit unsettling when they walk up right behind me. LOL

  8. Lots of good ones showing your family having a good time!! You three did great painting the penguins!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 7. Shared.

    1. Thank you; we had so much fun painting our baby penguins.


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