Friday Favorites: The First Week of March (2022)

 We had a pretty quiet week this week and yet it just seemed to fly right by. It didn't even dawn on me until after lunch yesterday that it was Thursday and I needed to get my fanny in gear if I wanted to have a blog post for Friday Favorites this week!  

Alec wore his new uniform and learned a new form at karate this week!  It's the first time he's been to class since his last grading and it's kind of weird to see him all in black trim.

Sunday afternoon the sun was shining and my husband and I headed out on an RZR ride. It was slippery and muddy and I needed a shower when we got home but it was a lot of fun.

It was rather cold on Monday but Evan and I braved the elements anyway for a hike at Sprague hill.  

We squeezed in another hike on Tuesday before lunch.  We walked around Thompson Dam but stuck to the main roads since everything was so snowy and icy and I had forgotten to wear my hiking boots.

I couldn't believe this waterfall was frozen over again; it was pure water just last week!


Evan had a follow up MRI on Wednesday (for the continued ringing in his ears) and did wonderful; even though this was a much longer version the ladies were gushing about how well he did.  

My view for the hour+ that we were there; thankfully I had brought my Kindle with some good books loaded 

I pulled together some really cozy outfits for the week; these three were my favorite.

 I spent one morning putting some more nail wraps on my nail and I am loving this bright sparkly teal color.

I am far from a food photographer but we have been eating so well this week! I made a delicious crustless quiche I've been eating in the morning.  We had some delicious Tuscan chicken pasta for dinner that I've been enjoying as leftovers all week for lunch and we tried a new zucchini/chicken dish that we can not wait to make again. I also found these delicious Yasso yogurt bars that I am loving. 

with an air fried potato and light turkey sausages this whole meal is only 3 points! 

My whole lunch was only 4 points this day and oh so filling. 

Best I could tell this meal was only 2 points per serving!

I forgot to take photos but Evan and I headed out on a walk along the river trail on Thursday.  It was windy and rather cold but we spent 45 minutes walking and talking.  I just LOVE our philosophical discussions and how he's pointed out to me many times in the last month or so how important it is that we have such a great relationship and not the typical teen/parent strife.  

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  1. Hope the MRI gives you answers. I have chronic tinitus, no fun to have ringing!

    1. Thanks! We're just hoping there have been zero changes since the last MRI and then we'll be done with the ENT altogether as they believe this is just something he'll outgrow.

  2. I love that Evan realizes you have a good relationship - I often think about how I get along with my daughter much better than I got along with my mom when I was my daughter's age!

    1. I love that too! I feel like my boys are much less moody than I was a pre-teen/teen. I find them a joy to be around and even when they're being snarky I can usually get them to laugh at themselves within just minutes.

  3. Can't believe here is still ice and snow! Hope you get some answers for the ear ringing!

    1. Yep... winter can last a looong time up here!

  4. I love that white sweater in your "what I wore" pics and the colors in the last picture. . .but I, for one, am ready to be out of sweaters and into t-shirts!! Love that you and your son get to have so much time together hiking -- something that will last with both of you forever.

    1. Thank you. I am so ready for less layers and shorts sleeves and flowy flowery blouses!

  5. I have not seen the birthday cake Yasso bars, Yum! This week did fly by. I love that last outfit, especially with the nail color. Pretty

    1. They are a yummy change of pace from my mint Enlightened bars. Thank you.

  6. I don't think I've ever told you, but my grandmother's maiden name was Sprague. :)
    Those birthday cake bars look yummy.

  7. I love your outfits and your meals looked delicious!

  8. I'm so sorry that Evan is still having ringing in his ears. I started having a ringing in my ears in 2018, and unfortunately, I can't get any relief. Mine ring 24/7/365 and nobody can figure out what's causing it. I hope Evan gets some relief. If he does, please let us know how! I'll try anything at this point. And I've never seen the birthday cake Yasso bars! Our freezer is totally stocked with all of the other flavors but I've never seen those! Our kiddos would love those!

    1. He has a sound (not a ringing) in one ear; which apparently is more concerning than if it was in both?! They did an MRI last year and they're pretty sure it's just something he'll outgrow but they wanted to see if there were any changes. Unfortunately they've told him there is nothing they can do for it though.

  9. How nice to get out for those hikes and so pretty with the snow still on the ground. I like your outfits you wore and I love your nails. Have a nice weekend Joanne.

  10. I Love those nail wraps. I have a dark blue pair but they surprise me when I wear them because they are so dark. I may try a pair like this.
    I know I say this all the time, but it's so impressive how you go out and still hike in the snow and cold.

    1. It can be a real struggle to get motivated at times (especially this week after last weeks warm weather tease!) but I have found that getting outside in the fresh air makes a huge difference in how I feel.

  11. How great your son recognizes how special his relationship is with you! I love your fun nail polish colour :)

  12. Definitely some super cute outfits this week - especially that third one! The color looks great on you!! Congrats to making it through that MRI! Hope the results are helpful -

  13. Your nails are so pretty. Love your outfits for this week. It looks like it is still cold there too!

    1. Thank you! It is still pretty cold here-- today was a high near 34.

  14. You may not be a food photographer, but these photos sure do make me hungry! And, I hope the MRI helps out. I have horrible tinnitis and can certainly understand what he's going through even if it's not ringing.

  15. What a huge compliment Evan have you. You must be a very proud mum.

  16. Alec looks very smart in his new karate uniform.
    The hikes sound like fun and all of your food looks delicious x

  17. Looks like you had a good week. Glad to read Evan did well with his MRI. How wonderful that he recognizes you two have a great relationship. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thank you. It really took me by surprise that he notices that at only 14!

  18. Oof, MRI… good for your son! I’ve only had MRIs on my foot, and that was no picnic even with my head completely outside the machine! Your white turtleneck does look very cozy!

    1. He does so well with them. I've never had one but I would definitely have to keep my eyes closed and pretend I was anywhere else. He doesn't seem at all phased by them.

  19. Winter hikes are so beautiful with all of the snow....but I am really looking forward to and ready for spring now! Those look like some tasty dishes you've made this week! I'm always curious what other people eat/cook during the week! Hope you had a great weekend!

  20. What a good week. Glad all went well with the MRI.
    Blessings, Dawn

  21. Love all of your cozy outfits- they look so cute and look so comfy! The nails? A dream- my fave color and I love the sparkles- they remind me of a mermaid :)

  22. It sounds like a really good week Joanne - and I hope the MRI gives you some answers too. And let's all give a little high five to the Kindle gods for inventing something that helps us kill time when we most need it - they don't have magazines in any of the doctor or dentist's rooms these covid days, so I take mine everywhere that I know I'll probably have some waiting time to fill in.

    1. I always have a book or my kindle in my purse! In fact a few years ago my doctor even commented on it as I'm always reading when he walks into the room.

  23. Okay, I just want to love everything about this post. Cute outfits! Your food looks amazing!!! Great job to your son on his Karate! Have a great rest of the week! Hoping you get answers for the MRI


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