Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went Swimming Every Day

After a week or more of cool fall-like temperatures we've had another heat wave. I felt so bad for all those poor kids heading back to school with temperatures in the upper 80's low 90's! My boys and I kept cool in the lake and ended up swimming every single day this week. Ian headed off to work while the younger boys and I went to the lake on Friday to meet up with my two sisters, their kids, and my mom. We had a nice day at the lake (even if Alec did get stung by a wasp and I forgot my fork and went without lunch!). We had a very long commute home though since there was a large accident and the highway was shut down shuttling everyone off a single exit... then we hit all sorts of road construction the rest of the way home. We opted for take out for dinner since I refused to cook or move the rest of the night. Saturday I was up nice and early getting ready for Evan's party and Ian headed off to work with his grandfather. The y...